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Обо мне

Информация о разработчике
Имя SMikeSmith
Пользователь с Июнь 21, 2012
Число разработанных дополнений 0 дополнений
Средний рейтинг дополнений разработчика Пока не оценено

Мои отзывы


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I've been using this DeLorean theme for a while, now, for FF and TB. It's one of the most detailed themes I've encountered, and very eye-pleasing. I use both on two Linux machines in conjunction with one of the sister themes, DeLorean_Noir for Gtk and Gnome Desktop. The combination is great! I don't like bright themes so much because they tend to distract my eye from the working item, especially when working with digital photos, or working in slightly darkened environments. I also use calibrated displays, which compliments the excellent color subtleties.