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История версий UnMHT

52 версии

Будьте осторожны со старыми версиями!

Эти версии отображаются только для сведения и в целях тестирования. Вам следует всегда использовать последнюю версию дополнения.

Версия 8.3.2 506.6 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 38.0 - 56.*, Firefox 38.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.33 - 2.39.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 55.*

  • [FIXED] Duplicated links for original page inserted into saved MHT file.
  • [FIXED] Support the change in DeferredTask.jsm in Firefox 55.

Версия 8.3.1 506.6 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 38.0 - 45.*, Firefox 38.0 - 45.*, SeaMonkey 2.33 - 2.39.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 45.*

  • [FIXED] Cannot save when a page contains malformed URI sequeuce.
  • [FIXED] Link to original page is inserted to wrong position.

Версия 8.3.0 506.6 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 38.0 - 45.*, Firefox 38.0 - 45.*, SeaMonkey 2.33 - 2.39.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 45.*

  • [FIXED] Support API change in LoadContextInfo.jsm on Firefox 51 or newer version.

Версия 8.2.0 506.5 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 38.0 - 45.*, Firefox 38.0 - 45.*, SeaMonkey 2.33 - 2.39.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 45.*

  • [CHANGED] Automatically disable UnMHT when multi-process (e10) is enabled
  • [CHANGED] Set multiprocessCompatible to false in install.rdf
  • [CHANGED] Support flipping save/ignore check by space key in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
  • [CHANGED] Removed mhtml: scheme support.
  • [CHANGED] Remove integrity attribute when opening MHT file.
  • [FIXED] HTML file with UTF-16 encoding cannot be saved properly.
  • [FIXED] Wrong URI parsing when fragment contians slash.
  • [FIXED] Wrong update channel for development version on unmht.org. (Please install this version to fix the update channel)
  • [FIXED] Use newChannelFromURI2.
  • [FIXED] BASE element is ignored for link in the MHT file.

Версия 8.1.0 554.2 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 38.0 - 44.*, Firefox 38.0 - 46.*, SeaMonkey 2.33 - 2.39.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 44.*

  • [CHANGED] Updated es-ES, uk-UA locale.
  • [FIXED] Image element with srcset is not saved.
  • [FIXED] Support API change in LoadContextInfo.jsm on Firefox 44 or newer version.
  • [FIXED] Nightly Page Info dialog does not show original URIs.
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Firefox 44.x.
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Thunderbird 44.x.
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Seamonkey 2.39.x
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Firefox for Mobile 44.x.

Версия 8.0.0 552.0 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 38.0 - 39.*, Firefox 38.0 - 42.*, SeaMonkey 2.33 - 2.36.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 39.*

  • [NEW] Make digits for sequential filename customizable in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
  • [NEW] Add option to store original last modified time of each remote file to MHT file.
  • [CHANGED] Remember scroll position when reload MHT file.
  • [CHANGED] Show detailed error message when failed to create file.
  • [CHANGED] Always treat href attribute of BASE element as a directory path.
  • [CHANGED] Sort fields in multipart alphabetically.
  • [CHANGED] Make icons and menu items order consistent in tool menu and preferences window.
  • [CHANGED] Remove legacy generator function and use ES6 generator.
  • [CHANGED] Do not include Task.jsm in xpi.
  • [CHANGED] Use Task.async.
  • [CHANGED] Use octal integer literal in source code.
  • [CHANGED] Removed workaround for freeze bug in DOMUtils.getUsedFontFaces on Firefox 28 or older.
  • [CHANGED] Use AsyncShutdown.jsm for clearing cache on shutdown.
  • [CHANGED] Removed old cache API support.
  • [CHANGED] Removes old DeferredTask.jsm support.
  • [CHANGED] Do not use String.prototype.contains.
  • [FIXED] File is not shown correctly if path in MHT file contains ".." or ".".
  • [FIXED] Support behavior change of XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter.
  • [FIXED] Toolbar icons disappear when certain configuration of Classic Theme Restorer.
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Firefox 39.x.
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Thunderbird 39.x.
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Seamonkey 2.36.x
  • [NEW] Compatibility with Firefox for Mobile 39.x.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Firefox 37.x or older.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Seamonkey 2.32.x or older.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Thunderbird 37.x or older.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Firefox for Mobile 37.x or older.

Версия 556.9 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 33.*, Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.29.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [NEW] Slovenian locale is now included.

Версия 549.2 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 33.*, Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.29.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [CHANGED] Non-ASCII characters are not shown correctly in multipart/mixed.

Версия 549.2 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 35.*, Firefox 24.0 - 40.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.29.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [CHANGED] Updated de, zh-TW locales
  • [FIXED] Failed to open MHT file if the file contains empty url in CSS on Firefox 34 or newer.

Версия 549.1 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 33.*, Firefox 24.0 - 35.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.29.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [FIXED] All tabs with MHT file in all windows are reloaded when opening new window.

Версия 549.1 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 33.*, Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.29.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [NEW] Support RFC6532 (Internationalized Email Headers).
  • [NEW] Add [Skip this file] button in save dialog.
  • [NEW] Support comment in CSS rule when opening MHT file.
  • [NEW] Support anonymous cache in [Save as MHT].
  • [CHANGED] Support nsIProtocolHandler.newChannel2.
  • [CHANGED] Autodetect localized _files string on [Convert].
  • [CHANGED] Reduce memory consumption in MIME parser.
  • [CHANGED] Updated hu-HU, it, ko-KR, ru-RU, zh-CN, zh-TW locales
  • [FIXED] Network timeout is not working in saving MHT file.
  • [FIXED] MHT file cannot be displayed correctly when Content-Location has entity reference with code point.
  • [FIXED] Reference name is not generated correctly when Content-Location does not have extension.
  • [FIXED] Do not encode leading and trailing whitespaces in attribute value in [Save as MHT] + [Current State].
  • [FIXED] Failed to open MHT file on session restore.
  • [FIXED] Support behavior change of unmatched capture group in regular expression in Nightly.
  • [FIXED] Removed redeclaration of variable.
  • [FIXED] Imported CSS file is not stored in MHT file on Nightly.
  • [FIXED] Clicking link to same file only with fragment identifier causes page reload.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 33.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox for Mobile 33.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Seamonkey 2.29.x

Версия 545.4 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 31.*, Firefox 24.0 - 31.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.26.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [FIXED] [Save local file into the same folder as original file] does not work with [Quick Save].

Версия 545.4 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 31.*, Firefox 24.0 - 31.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.26.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [FIXED] Wrong character encoding in preference export file.

Версия 545.4 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 32.*, Firefox 24.0 - 32.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.26.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

  • [NEW] Use off-main thread file manipulation.
  • [NEW] Show some MHT file header fields in Info Panel.
  • [NEW] Supported cache2.
  • [CHANGED] Updated de, hu-HU, it, ru-RU, zh-CN locales.
  • [CHANGED] Use built-in Task.jsm on Firefox 31 or later.
  • [CHANGED] Update Task.jsm to latest.
  • [CHANGED] Cleanup code.
  • [FIXED] Multiple fields with same name are ignored when save mail as MHT with [Store original fields of E-Mail].
  • [FIXED] Cache file is not removed on disable add-on.
  • [FIXED] @import rule is not handled correctly when it contains spaces inside parens and no quotes.
  • [FIXED] Extended object is not freezed.
  • [FIXED] Failed to save file when Location header contains path.
  • [FIXED] Make textbox for error message readonly.
  • [FIXED] URIs are compared with different encoding when replacing URIs in the HTML file inside MHT file.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 31.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox for Mobile 31.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Thunderbird 31.x.

Версия 535.9 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 29.*, Firefox 24.0 - 31.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.25.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 24.*

  • [FIXED] Attribute value is URL encoded twice if it is already encoded when saving.
  • [FIXED] MHT file is saved in wrong folder with [Quick Save when folder setting is empty on Firefox ESR24.x and Thunderbird 24.x.

Версия 535.8 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 29.*, Firefox 24.0 - 29.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.25.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 24.*

  • [CHANGED] Support opening corrupted multipart message which does not contain close-delimiter.
  • [CHANGED] Do not link to [Saved From] URL when it is not HTTP nor FTP in Info Panel.
  • [FIXED] Failed to open MHT file when the file contains binary data URI.
  • [FIXED] Cannot save favicon larger than 64kB.
  • [FIXED] Cannot use multi-byte characters in custom style in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
  • [FIXED] encoded-word in MHT header fields are not decoded correctly.
  • [FIXED] Memory leak on [Save as MHT] when progress is shown in toolbar button.
  • [FIXED] Document inside frame in selection is not saved with [Save selection as MHT].
  • [FIXED] Info panel is closed when load state changed in other tab.

Версия 534.9 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 25.0 - 29.*, Firefox 24.0 - 29.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.25.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 24.*

  • [NEW] Implement New MIME Parser.
  • [NEW] Support MHT file which contains binary body (only if it uses CRLF).
  • [CHANGED] Update [UnMHT] tool menu position.
  • [CHANGED] Improve multipart/mixed file display.
  • [CHANGED] Treat unknown mutlipart as mixed.
  • [CHANGED] Improve quoted-printable encoding.
  • [CHANGED] Support MHT file which contains illegal Content-Type parameter value.
  • [CHANGED] Guess charset of HTML file in [Convert].
  • [CHANGED] Use quoted-printable for HTML file in [Convert].
  • [CHANGED] Guess appropriate encoding for Content-Location in [Convert].
  • [CHANGED] Use not only disk cache, but also memory cache when save page as MHT.
  • [CHANGED] Updated ko-KR, hu-HU, it, ru-RU, uk-UA, zh-TW locales.
  • [CHANGED] Do not use "URI" in messages.
  • [CHANGED] Use batch update in Australis toolbar buttons.
  • [CHANGED] Cleanup code.
  • [CHANGED] Use built-in Promise.jsm.
  • [CHANGED] Removed reference to global variables as possible.
  • [CHANGED] Removed unused variables.
  • [CHANGED] Reduce the use of nsIDOM* interface.
  • [CHANGED] Use String.prototype.slice instead of String.prototype.substr.
  • [CHANGED] Do not use increment/decrement operator.
  • [CHANGED] Use LF as newline in install.rdf.
  • [CHANGED] Removed unused code.
  • [CHANGED] Removed leaf name only match when searching part in MHT file.
  • [FIXED] Do not create closing tag for HTML5 source, track element.
  • [FIXED] Generate XML when saving XHTML.
  • [FIXED] Removed Enter key from keyboard shortcut (please use Return key instead).
  • [FIXED] Last folder setting is not stored/get correctly for File Picker.
  • [FIXED] Part in other multipart body is used.
  • [FIXED] Menu item is not shown when restart after install on Firefox for Mobile.
  • [FIXED] Filename is not encoded correctly in [Convert] if it contains spaces or multibytes characters.
  • [FIXED] MHT file cannot be loaded in frame.
  • [FIXED] Info panel is not hidden when switching tab with keyboard shortcut.
  • [FIXED] Channel is not private in Private Browsing Mode.
  • [FIXED] Session data is not used when save as MHT in Private Browsing Mode.
  • [FIXED] Toolbar menu does not work when 2 or more window exist on Add-on install or update on Firefox 29 or later.
  • [FIXED] Cache is not used when save page as MHT on Private Browsing mode.
  • [FIXED] Cache is not used when save non-HTTP based page as MHT.
  • [FIXED] Do not remove consecutive slashes when resolving relative path.
  • [FIXED] Toolbar menu is not displayed correctly in Nightly.
  • [FIXED] Wrong type notation in document and its initial value.
  • [FIXED] Tab is not reloaded correctly on Add-on update.
  • [FIXED] Date field is not parsed if it is not valid in RFC 5322.
  • [FIXED] Decode encoded-word incorrectly if it contains language.
  • [FIXED] Nested multipart/mixed is not displayed correctly.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 29.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox for Mobile 29.x.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Firefox for Mobile older than 25.

Версия 517.2 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 24.0 - 28.*, Firefox 24.0 - 29.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.25.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 24.*

  • [FIXED] MHT file cannot be loaded in frame.

Версия 517.1 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 24.0 - 28.*, Firefox 24.0 - 28.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.25.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 24.*

  • [FIXED] Failed to save HTML document which contains MathML.
  • [FIXED] Content-ID is not used if Content-Location match.

Версия 517.0 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 24.0 - 27.*, Firefox 24.0 - 28.*, SeaMonkey 2.21 - 2.23.*, Thunderbird 24.0 - 24.*

  • [FIXED] Failed to save webpage if stylesheet is blocked by other Add-ons.
  • [FIXED] List reordering by Drag and drop is not displayed correctly in [Preferences]-[Filename]-[Replace].
  • [CHANGED] Updated de locale.
  • [FIXED] UnMHT menu item is not shown in Tool Menu on Thunderbird.
  • [NEW] Resource gathering in [Save as MHT] is now 50% faster.
  • [NEW] Display [Save State] of the MHT file in Info Panel, Page Info dialog and Cache page.
  • [NEW] Show error reason if required part is not stored into MHT file.
  • [NEW] Add [Show cache]/[Clear cache] in preference window.
  • [NEW] Add option to change wait before closing Save Dialog.
  • [NEW] Add option to do not Display save progress.
  • [NEW] Support HTML5 TRACK element.
  • [NEW] Support HTML5 srcdoc attribute.
  • [NEW] Support CSS mask property.
  • [NEW] Support CSS clip-path property.
  • [NEW] Support CSS filter property.
  • [NEW] Support CSS -moz-image-rect function.
  • [NEW] Support web font in pseudo-element on Firefox 29.0a1 or later.
  • [NEW] Support saving IE downlevel-revealed Conditional Comment.
  • [NEW] Support Australis.
  • [CHANGED] Use system download folder instead of Desktop if download folder is not setup.
  • [CHANGED] Use Content-Type of Cache in [Save as MHT].
  • [CHANGED] Save all loaded CSS files.
  • [CHANGED] Make UnMHT toolbar button from menu-button to menu.
  • [CHANGED] Make some dialog modeless.
  • [CHANGED] Use default download folder if QuickSave folder setting is not orrect.
  • [CHANGED] Show original URL of the MHT file if file not found.
  • [CHANGED] add unmht- prefix for internal URI.
  • [CHANGED] Show [View Source] menu only if MHT file is opened.
  • [CHANGED] Replace consecutive hyphens in URL in [Insert URL as a COMMENT].
  • [CHANGED] Make [Save as MHT] dialog unresizable.
  • [CHANGED] Add [Quick Save] in toolbar button menu.
  • [CHANGED] Add [Quick Save] in [Tools] menu.
  • [CHANGED] Reorder context menu items.
  • [CHANGED] Store [Save multiple tabs as MHT]-[Index page] style configuration as a file.
  • [CHANGED] Show From field and MAF, OLE information in Cache page.
  • [CHANGED] Updated cs-CZ, fr, hu-HU, it, ko-KR, ru-RU, zh-CN, zh-TW locales.
  • [CHANGED] Change [Remember what I've downloaded] label to [Add saved pages to Download History].
  • [CHANGED] Rename [Extract source] to [Open this page as MHT file].
  • [CHANGED] Updated zh-TW locale.
  • [CHANGED] Use compression level 1 for XPI file.
  • [CHANGED] Merge images used in UI.
  • [CHANGED] Cleanup code.
  • [OBSOLETED] [When CSS import limit exceeed] option was removed.
  • [OBSOLETED] [Remember last used folder globally] option was removed and always enabled.
  • [OBSOLETED] Cache expiration option was removed.
  • [OBSOLETED] Preference migration from older than Ver.6.4.0 was removed.
  • [OBSOLETED] [Display progress in statusbar] was removed.
  • [OBSOLETED] [Add to Tool Menu] option was removed and always enabled.
  • [OBSOLETED] [Script running time] option was removed.
  • [OBSOLETED] [Show button in Add-on Bar] was removed (You can place the button manually by toolbar customization).
  • [OBSOLETED] [Extract/View source] option was removed.
  • [FIXED] Do not use deprecated interface of DownloadLastDir.jsm in Firefox26.
  • [FIXED] Error message is shown if disable Add-on while dialog is opened.
  • [FIXED] IFRAME is not stored correctly if it does not have src attribute.
  • [FIXED] Do not block resource scheme in [Offline mode].
  • [FIXED] Image in MHT file is not centered in [Offline mode].
  • [FIXED] BASE element is inserted even if original document has it.
  • [FIXED] Ignore invalid link in the MHT file saved with [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
  • [FIXED] Download progress is not finished when using MAF integration.
  • [FIXED] Do not use about:blank as Content-Location when IFRAME has no src attribute.
  • [FIXED] Cannot skip 2 or more tabs in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
  • [FIXED] [Save multiple tabs as MHT] stop working when failed to save tab as [Original File].
  • [FIXED] CSS referred from @import in comment is stored into MHT file.
  • [FIXED] Error message is shown when update Add-on.
  • [FIXED] Error message about makeDir failure is shown Add-on startup.
  • [FIXED] Cannot open MHT file if MIME-Type is message/rfc822 on SeaMonkey.
  • [FIXED] Image file referred from background attribute in BODY element with relative path is not saved correctly.
  • [FIXED] Remove reference to mozapps/content/preferences/preferences.css.
  • [FIXED] Error message is shown in console when open Context Menu just before moving page.
  • [FIXED] Do not use javascript or data URI as Content-Location for IFRAME.
  • [FIXED] Do not store javascript in attributes (such like href) with [Current State (without Script)].
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 27.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox for Mobile 27.x.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Firefox older than 24.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Thunderbird older than 24.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for SeaMonkey older than 2.21.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Firefox for Mobile older than 24.

Версия 479.4 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 23.0 - 27.*, Firefox 17.0 - 27.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.23.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

  • [CHANGED] Updated de locale
  • [CHANGED] Updated ru-RU locale

Версия 478.9 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 23.0 - 26.*, Firefox 17.0 - 26.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.23.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

  • [FIXED] Downloaded MHT files are removed on Application shutdown if [Remember what I've downloaded] is enabled on Windows and certain configuration.
  • [FIXED] Downloaded MHT files are opened when download complete if [Remember what I've downloaded] is enabled on Windows and certain configuration.
  • [FIXED] Download History is not keep after application restart with [Remember what I've downloaded].

Версия 478.8 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 23.0 - 26.*, Firefox 17.0 - 26.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.23.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

  • [FIXED] Disable [Remember what I've downloaded] until the problem fixed.
  • [INFO] Downloaded MHT files are removed on Application shutdown if [Remember what I've downloaded] is enabled on some env.
  • [INFO] Downloaded MHT files are opened when download complete if [Remember what I've downloaded] is enabled on some env.

Версия 478.9 KiB Работает с Firefox для Android 23.0 - 26.*, Firefox 17.0 - 26.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.23.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox for Mobile 23.0 to 26.x.
  • [NEW] Store save state into MHT file as X-UnMHT-Save-State field.
  • [NEW] Store Content-ID of tabs as X-UnMHT-Tabs-List field in [Save multiple tabs as MHT, and use it when open.
  • [NEW] Save attachment files by [Save as MHT] in SeaMonkey Mail.
  • [NEW] Added [Quick Save Selection] menu item.
  • [CHANGED] Show confirm dialog before reset preferences.
  • [CHANGED] Show error message when required part is not stored into MHT file.
  • [CHANGED] Improve Insert Link in [Current State].
  • [CHANGED] Improve error handling in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
  • [CHANGED] Hide Save menu when selecting text in Context Menu.
  • [CHANGED] Reorder Context Menu items.
  • [CHANGED] Simplify [Remember what I've downloaded].
  • [CHANGED] Updated de, fr, hu-HU, it, uk-UA and zh-CN locales.
  • [CHANGED] Improve error handling while saving.
  • [CHANGED] Improve UI responce.
  • [FIXED] Save as MHT does not work when [Remember what I've downloaded] is enabled in Firefox 26.
  • [FIXED] Failed to register components on updating Add-on in Firefox 26.
  • [FIXED] Error message is shown in console in Thunderbird and SeaMonkey Mail.
  • [FIXED] [Cancel] in statusbar progress menu does not work.
  • [FIXED] Missing file is saved as empty part in [Save as MHT].
  • [FIXED] Save MHT file as MHT with [Original File] does not work.
  • [FIXED] Converted MHT file from HTML cannot be shown correctly when original filename contains space or non-ASCII characters.
  • [FIXED] [Extract]/[View source] do not work.
  • [FIXED] Multibytes character is not saved correctly in [Insert Link to original page].
  • [FIXED] Surrogate Pair is not encoded correctly.
  • [FIXED] HTML and CSS parts are displayed differently in [View Source].
  • [FIXED] Duplicated IDs are used in [Page Info] dialog.
  • [FIXED] UnMHT menu item in Tool menu cannot be hidden.
  • [FIXED] UnMHT is not used to open MHT file when MAF is installed and MHT file has message/rfc822 as its Content-Type.
  • [FIXED] Save multiple MHT files as single MHT file does not work.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 26.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Seamonkey 2.23.x

Версия 409.4 KiB Работает с Firefox 17.0 - 25.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.21.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

  • [FIXED] FRAME and IFRAME is not saved correctly in Firefox 17 and 18.
  • [CHANGED] Updated cs-CZ locale.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 24.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Thunderbird 24.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Seamonkey 2.21.x
  • [FIXED] UnMHT does not work when extensions.alwaysUnpack is true.
  • [FIXED] Text selection range is wrong in [Save Selection as MHT] if text node contains entity reference.
  • [FIXED] Save option dialog is shown in Quick Save.
  • [FIXED] Framed page cannot be saved with [Original File].
  • [NEW] Added [Search Sub-folders] option in [Convert HTML files to MHT].
  • [NEW] Added [Abort] button in [Convert HTML files to MHT].
  • [NEW] Show convert log in [Convert HTML files to MHT].
  • [NEW] Option to disable replacement of '#' and '!' chars in filename in Windows.
  • [CHANGED] Delay modules import.
  • [CHANGED] Show original URI when opening start part of MHT file.
  • [CHANGED] Use filename query parameter for reference name of the part in MHT file if the part does not have filename.
  • [CHANGED] Style of Error page and Cache page.
  • [CHANGED] Use Content-ID for src attribute of frame and iframe in [Current State] saving.
  • [CHANGED] Use Content-ID for href attribute of index page in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
  • [CHANGED] Insert [Save as MHT...] after [Save page as...] menu item in Content area context menu.
  • [CHANGED] Improve BASE64 decoding speed and robustness.
  • [CHANGED] Improve preference export/import/reset behavior (except Windows).
  • [CHANGED] Focus on OK button in save dialog.
  • [CHANGED] Hidden setting to disable mhtml protocol handler.
  • [CHANGED] Hidden setting to disable MAF integration.
  • [CHANGED] Hidden setting to disable ScrapBook integration.
  • [CHANGED] Add hidden configuration of customization for extension based file handling.
  • [CHANGED] Add hidden configuration for customization of MIME-Type based file handling.
  • [CHANGED] Updated de, hu-HU, it, ko-KR, sv-SE, zh-CN locales.
  • [CHANGED] Cleanup code.
  • [FIXED] Support transpot-padding next to delimiter in parsing MIME.
  • [FIXED] Do not add menu items and toolbar button for browser into mailer window in SeaMonkey.
  • [FIXED] Nothing is saved if selection is collapsed in Save selection in QuickSave.
  • [FIXED] Attachment file list is not stored into mail in Save selection.
  • [FIXED] iframe which has refers URL as owner document is not saved correctly.
  • [FIXED] Do not handle HTML file which has .mht as file extension.
  • [FIXED] Mis-handling of escape sequence in mailer argument.
  • [FIXED] MHT file is not shown correctly when style attribute contains url with escaped quotation.

Версия 392.9 KiB Работает с Firefox 17.0 - 24.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.19.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Imported CSS files are not stored into MHT file.
  • [FIXED] Additional URIs does not stored.
  • [FIXED] Some resource files are not stored in [Save Linked page as MHT].
  • [FIXED] Removed unused ID of element.

Версия 392.8 KiB Работает с Firefox 17.0 - 21.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.18.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 17.*

  • [CHANGED] Updated fr locales.

  • [NEW] Store favicon to MHT file.
  • [NEW] Reorder Filename character replacement list by Drag and drop.
  • [NEW] Support duplicating items in Filename character replacement list.
  • [NEW] Added [Show header fields in page] option in Thunderbird.
  • [NEW] Show MHT information in Page Info dialog in SeaMonkey.
  • [NEW] Remember last selected sub-tab in Preferences Window.
  • [NEW] Focus on button by default when dialog is opened.
  • [CHANGED] JSON style preferences export file format (old style file also can be imported).
  • [CHANGED] Store mail header field with X-UnMHT-Original- prefix, when the filed name is used by UnMHT, in [Store original fields of E-Mail].
  • [CHANGED] Disable [Insert URL as a COMMENT] in Thunderbird.
  • [CHANGED] Use nsIFilePicker.open instead of nsIFilePicker.show.
  • [CHANGED] Simplify XUL overlay.
  • [CHANGED] Updated cs-CZ, de, fr, hu-HU, it, ko-KR, zh-CN locales.
  • [FIXED] Wrong useCapture was used in some addEventListener/removeEventListener.
  • [FIXED] Event listener is not instantly removed when disabling UnMHT if MHT file is opened.
  • [FIXED] Save progress stops when document is not savable in [Save Multiple Tabs as MHT].
  • [FIXED] Toolbar button is not shown in SeaMonkey Mailer.
  • [FIXED] Accept field is not set correctly when saving MHT file.
  • [FIXED] Referer field is not set correctly when saving MHT file.
  • [FIXED] MHT file does not shown correctly when it contains the part which has fragment in Content-Location.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 21.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Seamonkey 2.18.x
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Firefox 16.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for Thunderbird 16.
  • [CHANGED] Dropped support for SeaMonkey 2.13.

Версия 380.4 KiB Работает с Firefox 16.0 - 21.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.17.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Skip button is not shown when duplicated filename exists in [Save Multiple Tabs as MHT].

Версия 380.3 KiB Работает с Firefox 16.0 - 20.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.17.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] MHT file is not shown when original URI contains port number.

Версия 380.2 KiB Работает с Firefox 16.0 - 20.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Equate backslash separator to slash separator in path.
  • [FIXED] Link in the MHT file exported by Excel does not work.
  • [FIXED] Memory leak when updating or disabling Add-on.