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I was using this in TB 17. When I upgraded to 24.0.1, I upgraded this plugin along with it. I noticed that button text does not fit inside buttons - most notibly in the add-ons manager (text in add-ons manager is too large). Author didn't specify how exactly to report bugs. No pointer to email address and no product in bugzilla that I can tell (and if I chose plugins, how will this author see it?), so putting the bugs here. I'd like to send screenshots somewhere, so let me know where I should send them. Thanks for a great plugin!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.24.3). 

Hi Don, It's really weird. Nobody before haven't reported such bugs. I would be glad if you make some screenshots of this bugs and send it to pohybel_wp@wp.pl? I can't confirm none of them. Have you tried to disable some of your other plugins and check if it still occurs?