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When I download sometime, the item shows in the Statusbar of my browser, every file I download shows up on that bar. That's what I call "my list." My list of downloads.
When I try to drag any, they don't show me the dragging image, nor do they move to the folder I assign them, as if I never dragged them. I have to right-click and "Send to," it is annoying, but I am accepting it for now.
I use Palemoon 24.5.0 based on Firefox 24 ESR.(Which should still be supported)

I can't delete the file, until I let MD5 checksum complete. If I just hover away from the file, the percentage stops, correct, but I can't delete the file until I let it go to 100%. I don't know why it happens, but that's happening. Sometimes I can't delete it right away, I have wait a while after the checksum, it's irritating, but I understand the reasoning for having this feature.

I raise my ratings because you interact with your Reviewers, that's effort. Sorry, for taking your time to read this.

Edit: 8.9.5 and dragging works. I guess I had an update and never noticed it, but it works! Another issue solved. Thank you.
As for the deleting, I'll have to just wait for a minute or two before I can delete it, I'll live with that, it is less importance over the dragging request.

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