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No longer works with latest Thunderbird, any help or update would be highly appreciated.

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I must have sent myself a dozen emails, altering different configuration options, trying to prevent Thunderbird from turning my messages into plain text, without success. This add-on seems to have done the trick! Thank you, Arivald!

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Don't get me wrong, I love Thunderbird, but I just can't understand why they can't get email formatting right. It's 2015, so HTML emails are kind of the norm. Thunderbird should send in both plaintext and HTML, but instead always sends in plaintext (if you don't include HTML in your email). It looks so stupid when you email a colleague or the boss and your email is displayed in plaintext on his/her mail client.

Thank goodness for the Always HTML plugin! This plugin is a real time saver. Thank you so much!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great add-on! I now have all emails sent both plaintext and HTML instead of defaulting to plaintext if there is no formatting or images. The auto-detect dosen't work in Thunderbird. Great work!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

It has been a pain since years, always having to verify if I didn't forget to force HTML, for each mail, except when I knew that a feature in the mail would trigger HTML format automatically, and then sometimes forgetting to do so and loosing all the advantages of HTML in the replies. Or just being frustrated by the fact to know that the correspondent got a cramped little heap of text.

Free at last!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thanks. The auto-detect composition feature, turning emails into plain text, was really a nuisance. This seems to have fixed it nicely.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thanks a lot! I have always been annoyed by selecting manually "rich text" untill I find this add-on!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

There are at least 3 different places to ask for HTML formatting in TB the "auto detect" function always switch back to plain text if you do not select manually "rich text" - this is really upsetting. This simple module fixes it.

Indispensable pour toujours envoyer en HTML: avant on revient toujours en mode texte automatiquement malgré avoir choisi HTML dans toutes les options possibles (et à moins de choisir à la main Rich Text only pour chaque mail...)