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It's so good that I feel like to touch the nature! o(≧v≦)o

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es naturaleza y se ven claras las letras no estan en colores estridentes ni tapadas por el dibujo, por eso me resulta relajante, lastima que no se como poner los que me gustan en el archivo o crear uno, gracias por permitirnos opinar

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'the design is absolutely beautiful

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Fly over Ireland in spring and summer and it is as green as this shamrock(clover) haha.....Besides my beautiful but late Irish wife would love it.

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If I like a theme as long as it doesn't make the names on my open window tabs difficult to read. This theme not only doesn't interfere with the tab names, it makes them easier to read. So, I love, love, love this theme. And, besides, St Patrick's Day doesn't get enough themes!!.....%:~}......

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I'm Irish enough said

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I added this theme right away; beautiful!

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Beautiful colour.

Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

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Go raibh maith agat Sassy Cailín. Téama álainn.
Coimeád suas an dea-obair.
Bíodh lá iontach mo chara

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Beautiful green leafes

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Beautiful and Irish!

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All your themes are great. You do beautiful work.
C Allison

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Thanks for some Celtic Magic!!!!!!!! May all who enjoy being of Celtic extract find and love this theme!!!!!!

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sehr schön

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Einfach wunderschön.

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Gorgeous green <3

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Bonitinho esses trevos...

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Beautiful design