Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Works, but I strongly wish for an option to disable it, by perhaps the Ctrl, Shift, or Alt key when clicking? Pretty please?

I'm running old Firefox, ESR 52.6.0 (64 bit).

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Any hope of porting this over to Firefox Quantum?

...it’s planned, yet I cannot tell when it’s done. Moreover, due to the limitations of the WebExtension API over the old XUL API, I can’t promise that functionality will be exactly the same as before.

I’ll let you know by then!

//EDIT: 2017-11-29

Unfortunately, after much work of investigating different issues on the way to a WebExtension-compatible version of FLST, I found out that there will be NO way to port this Add-on to Firefox 57+. The new APIs simply don't provide the hooks, functions and events needed to implement the core functionality of tab-flipping by clicking the currently active tab (and I will not write an extension that doesn't offer this key feature, as it will be pointless for myself then).

If you want to learn about the details (and understand German), you can read my article about this here: www.fabianswebworld.de/?p=347

Long story short: there simply is no API to handle clicks or other events on the tab-bar itself. And as stated in Mozilla Bug #1246706 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1246706), which is in the "RESOLVED - WONTFIX" state, this is not going to be fixed/implemented later.

I am truly sorry to have to tell you this, and believe me - I am the person that is most upset about it myself. I recommend that you use Firefox ESR, which will support "Legacy Add-Ons" until June, 2018.

Sorry again for any inconveniences you may experience due to the fact that FLST will not continue to work in Firefox 57+, but please do not blame me - blame Mozilla for taking away the API that made this Add-on possible and not providing ANY interface that would make porting FLST possible.

As of now, it simply isn't.

Best regards,

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Please update this for Quantum, it's literally the most essential add-on for firefox, period.

Dear mborsik,

thank you for your review and comment.

Unfortunately, after much work of investigating different issues on the way to a WebExtension-compatible version of FLST, I found out that there will be NO way to port this Add-on to Firefox 57+. The new APIs simply don't provide the hooks, functions and events needed to implement the core functionality of tab-flipping by clicking the currently active tab (and I will not write an extension that doesn't offer this key feature, as it will be pointless for myself then).

If you want to learn about the details (and understand German), you can read my article about this here: www.fabianswebworld.de/?p=347

Long story short: there simply is no API to handle clicks or other events on the tab-bar itself. And as stated in Mozilla Bug #1246706 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1246706), which is in the "RESOLVED - WONTFIX" state, this is not going to be fixed/implemented later.

I am truly sorry to have to tell you this, and believe me - I am the person that is most upset about it myself. I recommend that you use Firefox ESR, which will support "Legacy Add-Ons" until June, 2018.

Sorry again for any inconveniences you may experience due to the fact that FLST will not continue to work in Firefox 57+, but please do not blame me - blame Mozilla for taking away the API that made this Add-on possible and not providing ANY interface that would make porting FLST possible.

As of now, it simply isn't. (And sadly, I don't think it'll ever be.)

Best regards,

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Makes tab browsing so much easier. Please make compliant with web extensions, I would hate to lose this add-on.

Dear Korky,

thank you for your review and comment.

Unfortunately, after much work of investigating different issues on the way to a WebExtension-compatible version of FLST, I found out that there will be NO way to port this Add-on to Firefox 57+. The new APIs simply don't provide the hooks, functions and events needed to implement the core functionality of tab-flipping by clicking the currently active tab (and I will not write an extension that doesn't offer this key feature, as it will be pointless for myself then).

If you want to learn about the details (and understand German), you can read my article about this here: www.fabianswebworld.de/?p=347

Long story short: there simply is no API to handle clicks or other events on the tab-bar itself. And as stated in Mozilla Bug #1246706 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1246706), which is in the "RESOLVED - WONTFIX" state, this is not going to be fixed/implemented later.

I am truly sorry to have to tell you this, and believe me - I am the person that is most upset about it myself. I recommend that you use Firefox ESR, which will support "Legacy Add-Ons" until June, 2018.

Sorry again for any inconveniences you may experience due to the fact that FLST will not continue to work in Firefox 57+, but please do not blame me - blame Mozilla for taking away the API that made this Add-on possible and not providing ANY interface that would make porting FLST possible.

As of now, it simply isn't. (And sadly, I don't think it'll ever be.)

Best regards,

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

The only thing that it lacks — option to customize hotkey for last selected tab because CTRL+Dot is hard to press with one hand. I, personally, would prefer CTRL+Tilde.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд


Just a quick question; in which row should I put <em:multiprocessCompatible>true</em:multiprocessCompatible> ?

Thanks for the guide though :)

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

As the title says. My only complaint is that the text of the last entry in the options menu, (Middle Click one) is cut off horizontally, so I can't read it.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I tested this addon and have confirmed that is is multiprocess-compatible. Testing consisted of:
i) using Firefox Developer Edition 51 (so I could disable the addon signing requirement)
ii) setting xpinstall.signatures.required to false (so I could install addon with compatibility flag set)
iii) setting browser.tabs.remote.force-enable to true and restarting (to ensure Firefox uses multiprocess mode)
iv) adding <em:multiprocessCompatible>true</em:multiprocessCompatible> to install.rdf (so that shims and cpows are not made available to the addon)
v) installing the addon
vi) verifying that all functionality works as intended
vii) skimming the extension files to double-check

Developer: please add the multiprocessCompatible flag to install.rdf -- this will allow multiprocess to be enabled with your addon installed for users starting with the release of Firefox 50.

Also, this addon is must-have :-)

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

How common it is that you want to switch between same two tabs over and over again. With a jungle of open tabs this has been hard before. This add-on solves this.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Really very helpful add-on.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Good addon. Has no analogs.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

exactly what i need ! works great together with "tree style tabs"

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Now, with "Added the ability to disable the Focus Last Selected Tab" 5 stars.

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

This addon forces the 'select last tab' behaviour when closing a tab, thus making it completely useless.

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... but:
One main functionality, and the one which many users love about it, is the "tab flipping" behavior.

Next year I'm planning to release a version which also lets you enable this behavior separately from the 'select last tab on close' (Focus last selected tab) behavior. Hold on.

Until then, I'd like to add... if you don't like a "select last tab" behavior, then why would you install (and review) an add-on that is called "Focus Last Selected Tab"?... ;-)

Best regards,

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

OF COURSE when clicking a tab we want the last used one ~ DUUUUHHH!! Just more proof the people who run Firefox need a brain transplant =))

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

doesn't work with tree style tab

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Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Thanks very much for this extension. I installed it specifically to add a separt key shortcut to toggle between last viewed tabs.

I don't want other functionality affected, so it would be great if there was an option to select the close tab behaviour. At the moment, there is no way to change it from selecting the last viewed tab on close. Thanks!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This is a feature that I really feel should be incorporated in the browser, so am grateful for the extension writer for making this addon. For a while, I've used it in Firefox and have used a modified version for SeaMonkey, without any issue (I don't use the close buttons, so didn't notice that reported bug).

So glad to see that SeaMonkey has been officially supported with the latest version. Works great. Thanks.

Edit: Forgot that I did a previous review. Well, as I said above, FLST (Firefox 4+) works great in SeaMonkey, so I suppose I've added something new. ;)

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Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Works fine for Firefox 4 through 28, but doesn't work in Firefox 29+. (In Firefox 29, the focus last selected tab functionality does not work when closing a tab using the "X" button; also, closing a background tab causes focus to shift temporarily to the background tab you are closing.)

I submit a simple fix to the author, but he has indicated that he's too busy and won't apply a fix for about two months, if he applies one at all. He has indicated that he's considering switching to Chrome because he does not like Firefox 29.

Because it appears that the author is not interested in providing a fix, I have attempted to help my fellow users by posting instructions here for fixing the issue manually in your own copy of this addon ... it's as simple as changing a single string in three places ... I also included a link to an already patched version for anyone who doesn't know how to edit the file themselves. My post was deleted. I don't know if the addon author deleted it or if the AMO staff did. I thought maybe external links are no longer allowed (I know I've seen people post external links to fixes before), so I took the next step and created my own version of this extension on AMO, and posted here again linking to the working version of the addon, but that post was removed as well. Well, I thought maybe reviews aren't allowed to link to anything, period, so I'm not linking to anything this time ...

If you want a working version of this addon, it is available on this site and is just a search away! The name is quite similar to this one, but with an obvious change made.

For the record, I have checked the AMO "Review Guidelines" and none of my three posts have violated any of them, so at this time it is a mystery to me why someone is obstructing my effort to help users of Firefox 29+ enjoy this addon.

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Hello Michael,

first of all thanks for your comment and your effort in creating a version for Firefox 29! Be sure that I definitely did NOT delete any of your comments! I have no Idea why it has been deleted.

But, and it's really a coincidence, this weekend I actually found some time to do a quick fix to my add-on which enables compatibility with Firefox 29, *without* breaking compatibility with older versions. So you can update the addon and continue using it, and users like me who don't like Firefox 29 and continue using Firefox 24 ESR can still use the newest Add-on version.

Moreover, no worry that I'll permanently switch to Chrome... Definitely not ;-)

For now, FF24 ESR is perfect, and maybe sometime I get to use newer Firefox versions when I have found a way to customize it the way I like it (userChrome.css etc.) - although it will never look exactly as before, I realize that.

So, if you want, you can switch back to my Add-On as soon the updated version has passed Mozilla's Review Process! This may take a few days.

Oh, and good news for all SeaMonkey users: This new version now also runs on SeaMonkey!! :-)

Best regards,

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

This used to be a great extension, until Firefox 29. The new GUI breaks the Focus Last Selected Tab feature, even though tab flipping still works. Maybe it's time for an update?

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Hi Anton,

thank you for your comment and your review!

An Update that fixes the "FLST via tab close button" issue in Firefox 29 has been submitted to Mozilla today. After it passes the review process it should automatically update!

The review process may take a couple of days to complete. Thank you very much for your patience!

Best regards,