Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I'd rather not rate this, because it isn't what I thought it was when I installed. Turns out though, rating was required. So since it is installed, what is the actual purpose? Yes, you can assign any account or email to a given category, but then what? It seems to have no other effect, other than just having a category name assigned. I thought it might group these categories together, as in re-arranging Thunderbird's folder panel. But not so. It doesn't seem to do anything with the folders. However, it is rated pretty highly, so apparently I am missing its primary purpose. Would someone explain what that is? Many thanks...


Joshua - Did so, several times. But it just didn't do anything. Perhaps its my TB Version = v20.0 Beta..

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.5.3). 

Go to View > Folders > Category to get the rearranged folder listing.