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Michael Krumpholz

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Имя Michael Krumpholz
Пользователь с Ноя. 15, 2008
Число разработанных дополнений 0 дополнений
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Мои отзывы


Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Seems to work for a html mail where it converts the text to a link. But it would be better to highlight the link in some way.But it doesn''t work for text mails with mail addresses in the signature text. In this case it simply converts the mail address to a link but includes also the text before into the link. So great parts of the mail are now a link. I can't see the pattern how this is achieved and it doesn't seem to be configurable.

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Close Tab By Double Click

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Worked very well in Thunderbird 3.0.x just like in firefox. But doesn't work in TB 3.1.x. But where is the update for 3.1.x???I bumped the version and fixed the script to make it work with TB 3.1.x, the chrome\CloseTabByDoubleClick\content\CloseTabByDoubleClick_Overlaytb.xul has to be changed. The problem is in the isTab function, just replace with the following:
isTab: function(node) {
if(node.localName == "tab")
return true;
for(; node; node = node.parentNode)
if(node.localName == "tab")
return true;
return false;

I also had to remove some strange characters from a comment in the clicked function (think it should be some russian words).I now have to check if it still works in TB 6.x which i will upgrade to now.
And it still works in 6.0.2. :)

Tab Wheel Scroll

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Good plugin, i used the maxthon browser before and search for the same tab scrolling function in firefox, this plugin does the same job.

But it has a bug in the configuration, it doesn't open the configuration window correctly. The window seems to open in background behind the ff addon window. I can't change to the configuration window and also it can't be closed anymore, i can only kill the ff process with the task manager in windows. (firefox version 3.0.4) The configuration can be changed on the about:config page.

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