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Имя john
Пользователь с Авг. 18, 2013
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Мои отзывы


Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Cannot get updating of address book entries to sync properly, seems to cause the IMAP folder index to corrupt, automatic compaction of folder on address book update, very much a waste of time. Too touchy I'm giving up. I have a business to run.

Down grading review as auto sync doesn't really seem to work. Updates in adderss book cause new IMAP entry, delete seems ok when only one computer is invovled but these are not noticed by address books on other machines.

The initial sync put all the contacts in the designated IMAP folder. The auto sync is quick as well.
Currently have SyncKolb on three machines and the initial syncing is ok but you get duplicates

As you sync each separate address book, you will get duplicates and the initial sync does not make any effort to flag duplicates based on any criteria including an email address and no criteria can be defined. The de-duping must be done manually. I suppose these entries could be exported, sorted to squeeze out the duplicates. In any case, the auto sync makes removing duplicates more complicated as additional computers with their own address books with their own unqiue entries are added.

A mechanism to define how to match entries so as to avoid duplicates ought to be provided, maybe I'm missing something.

You should create a new IMAP folder to hold the sync'd contacts. Otherwise, the contact entries, which act like emails, will intermix with other emails in the folder, clogging the folder with things you otherwise won't want to view.

I've only done Address book entries and not tasks or calendars.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.1.3). 


Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Finally, a very good calendar and task sync!! Works great with Lightning once it was configured properly! Installed the RTM Android apps quick and no problem. Task/Calendar sync is quick and works great. I paid Remember the Milk the $25.00//yr for the Pro account, worth every dime. Would like certain improvements, thus no fifth star but an outstanding start!

The only annoying thing is that sometimes you get an icon next to the calendar name indicating that: Calendar XXXX is temporarily not available. When this happens the read-only flag is set to true and you cannot save to the calendar until you clear the flag via the calendar properties. Then however, calendar changes saved locally are overwritten by the server on the next sync as if that save local didn't really happen. When the previous happens the calendar in Lightning is slow to non responsive as is an event window if you have it open. Otherwise is works fine

Note: The above paragraph is no longer an issue:
Been using the latest version for a couple of months and creating events (not tasks) in Lightning and then having that sync'ed to RTM works fine within the constraints of the common shared fields.

Updated 6-12-15
Still very pleased with the functionality as implemented. Can create calendar (event) items in TB and have them sync (upload) to RTM. The new calendar items do go to RTM and then sync down. No data loss if you add items in TB first.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.3).