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Мои отзывы


Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

This was the best translating tool I have used!
Unfortunately there is an issue that really spoils it!
When the add on is enabled in firefox, it causes the tab bar to have problems. when I hover over a tab to see the title of the tab, the tab next to this on the right flashes very much. When I move the mouse away it continues to flash. This is hard to ignore. I discovered it was your addon after disabling them one by one.
I also use Tab Mix Plus. Maybe this is not compatible?
If you fixed this it would be my number one addon!
Still very good though, thanks.


Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Try telling us what the hell this is and then we might consider testing it out!
Is it to do with ANDR.NET?

Sorry but the description of 'a basic addon' isn't quite enough information mate!

RapidShare FileFinder - это самый эффективный поисковик для файлов с Rapidshare

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Wow. Has no one heard of Mycroft Project?
This doesn't need a full extension to be loaded into firefox!!!
I already have loads of search engines, many like this one for filehosting sites, torrents, etc and they are all available freely (I even created about 20 for sites I like, you can create your own for ANY SITE! so go look!!

Tab Clicking Options

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

For anyone wanting this to work on ANY newer version of firefox!!

Find mattstan's review here and he gives FULL step by step instructions.
One part is a bit of an oversight on his part. You need to change one bit, to save you having to go through it all every time Firefox is updated again!

On step number 6.
Do the following instead of what mattstan says:
6. Line 15 says:


Change 3.0b3pre to 3.* so it looks like this:


Save the file.

This just maeans that the addon will not say it is incompatible when firefox updates because the 3.* means the addon is to work with any version of firefox as long as it is version 3.

IMDb Pirated Version

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

What a complete loser.
this is exactly the same as the great Greasemonkey script to be found here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/21977
The author of this ripoff hasn't even got the balls to admit it either.
I think this really should be removed from the site, the author of the original doesn't want it here as he is probably P'd off that the ripoff didn't even mention where he robbed the whole idea from.
Oh and by the way folks...the greasemonkey version is MILES better too.
I just tried this to compare the two.
This is unstable and makes FF freeze on imdb and the trailers function rarely works. oh and google is blocking the requests. NOT a problem in the greasemonkey script!
So he didn't even do a great job!
Uninstalled. I will stick to the original and best :)

Berilium - Torrents Search

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

I have not tried this as I just wanted to let people know - you do not need a whole separate addon for this function!
There is a perfectly good working search engine addition that you can add to firefox search engines list, without having to run any addon for it.
Go here:

MinimizeToTray revived

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This one is a keeper ;)
A great replacement for the original Minimize To Tray and then the Minimize To Tray Plus, this one is the one that fits for me.
Great at what it does.
Simply put: Use this addon!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.5.4). 

Toolbar Buttons

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Nice addon. I always come to install it when I have to do a reinstall...like today :(
Couldn't do without it!!

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Tab Clicking Options

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I took the liberty of fixing the version chcking so that it now works with Firefox 3.5 and beyond.
I uploaded the file to a few freehosts:

Hope that is OK. People don't know how to do it and it's easier than explaining!

eBay FOXtion ebay.co.uk plus Currency Converter

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Hey creator of this! Your images on this page are crap. Please replace them with properly sized ones when you click the thumbnails. They are so small we can't see anything by looking at them.
no this does NOT steal account data mobi2u, don't be silly. Don't you think it would be a bit too obvious?
If someone has the ability and the motivation to steal ebay account data believe me, there are many ways a million times easier and less risky than something like this!!!
If you really want to know what is sent between your PC and websites then go get a program called HTTP Analyzer. It tells you everything.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.0.0). 

Speed Dial

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I was a long time user of this addon until a few months ago when I kept getting errors in the logs of firefox 3 and it seemed that speed dial was using so much memory it was even causing my mouse cursor to keep changing to a timer whilst firefox was being used!!
It was something to do with the speed dial browsing in the background as far as I could deduce!
Anyway I now return to it with a fresh install of the latest firefox and I have to say it's better than ever. NO memory or CPU problems at al. Runs smoothly and it a great addon, really useful. And better than that other one! Ha!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.9.1). 

Gmail Manager

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I really have loved this addon ever since I first used it erm...quite a while ago. Lately, for some unknown reason (maybe an update of firefox?) the addon has become pretty useless as it no longer remembers any login passwords for my gmail accounts?!
Every time firefox starts up a dialogue pops up asking me for my gmail password so it can log in to the account I had it set to login to automatically. I have tried so many things but alas...I cannot get it to work like before so it has to go I am afraid. :-(

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.5.5). 

Stop Cancer!

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

This is a strange one indeed. It has no use whatsoever!
I would understand if it was maybe linked to a charity click site where a donation was made per click each day, to cancer research perhaps?
As someone has said, just putting that sentence in the browser is going to achieve nothing!
In fact one might say that instead of surfing the internet with those words in your browser you might be better off going out and doing something practical to show you support the cause.

RDown - Rapidshare Downloader

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Definitely some problems with other addons but I am struggling to eliminate which ones are incompatible. My FF3 just freezes up for anything up to a minute...then it all comes back to normal.
Also I am not exactly sure how to use this...?
I just add the links and it downloads them?
(I had to disable it after trying numerous times due to the freezing problems..)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.5.2). 

Sort Bookmarks Menu

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Great addition to the bookmarks menu. Thanks.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.3). 


Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Further to my earlier review...this has been causing some serious issues on my machine. It waas hard to figure out at first but here is the detail:
The addon worked great and I have a few other addons too, too many to mention but they all seem compatible and no problems so far to talk of. Then I went to my Bank website and, when AI Roboform dialogue popped up to fill the login form in for me, the firefox froze. I tried to minimise but no response. I tried to click the usual firefox button on the taskbar and still no response. then I tried to click on an open directory from the taskbar...same, no response. I found that whatever other applications or folders I had open and had placed their button in the taskbar, were not able to respond top clicking them whenever this firefox freeze took place. I tested it and kept returning to the bank site and it happened every time, the only way was always to end the process of firefox, then the PC would return to normal. though often taskmanager would not respond either so it was a problem!
I disabled this addon and everything was back to normal so it was easy to work out the cause of these problems!! I have messed around with the settings and now I have it actually able to work but I still get the odd slight freeze when roboform pops up, but it unfreezes within a second, unlike before! The memory settings in the addon, I set them really high...I set the allowed memory to 500Mb and the timer to 30seconds. this is the only change in settings that will allow me to even be able to use this addon. Anything else I do does not stop it freezing.
PLEASE CAN YOU LOOK INTO THIS (if you have the time) as I think this is the best addon I have used for such a long time and would hate to stop using it now.


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Dare i say it....Much much better than minimise to tray ever as for me..It used to make the browser flicker when it minimised but this doesn't do that. This is a great addon. Brilliant. What more can i say?!
Thank you.


Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

This is a nice cosmetic addition for the strange and boring blank icons that Firefox 3 gives us on lots of bookmarks and tabs but I agree with another comment here...you have to realise that in the world of computing there are more people who are NOT savvy and able to work things out without it being fed to them in simple steps or at least some easy instructions, than not! I am not one of them, I merely repair and build PCs and fix crap like Windows OS' daily but it makes me see just how many people there are that know very little. I would guarantee that there are loads of people who have downloaded your addon and then uninstalled it just because there are no instructions in the settings. First signs of confusion and people like that are off. they uninstall cos they don't want to mess their PC up.
Just add a few lines of text mate and it'll be perfect!
But from me...thank you, it's perfect! :)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.4.18). 

Speed Dial

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I am amending my previous glowing review for an update:
I absolutely LOVE this addon, everything about it is just what I need...and the way it lets you have multiple pages of groups arranged is just brilliant for someone who uses the net so often and visits a million and one sites a day. however!
Lately I noticed that, in my windows XP, whenever I loaded up FF (version 3.0x) the 'working in the background' icon that you usually see for a second or so when starting a large application or something, was startiung to show up all the time when firefox was running.
I went through a long process of elimination to discover what exactly was causing this 'working in the background' icon to be there and so I started a fresh profile in FF and one by one, added my addons, then removed them if they didn't show the same symptom.
As soon as speed dial was added...you guessed it: The problem was there right away.
And sure enough, in my usual FF profile, if I disable speed dial in addons prefs then on restarting the problem is no longer there.
I do not have to have the speed dial page opened for this to happen either. I think that speed dial is refreshing its pages, images in the background. There is the occasional error in the error console but, nothing of consequence. Seems to me the addon is just being a bit to busy in the background and, as such, is causing this highly irritating behaviour. apart from the irritation of never really seeing the default cursor/pointer when I am in firefox, it also seems to have a progressive slow-down effect, making FF sluggish eventually.
If the addon is disabled, everything is fine and dandy.
I have disabled every thumbnail in the addons page, so that every shortcut I made is loading an image locally, from my hard drive, instead of speed dial ever having to go visit the sites itself. I thought this would stop the problem but no change.
PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS and maybe you can work it out my author cos' for the moment I am going to consider trying another addon like yours. I will admit right now though - yours is by FAR the best one in its class so please see if you can at least make it an optional thing, to let speed dial actually work in the background (I reckon it is visiting the sites for some reason when it is started as I seen the odd error in the error console for a site I wasnt visiting at the time and yet it was a site I have as a shortcut in spee dial - so that tells me speed dial is for some reason checking the sites in the shortcuts?)
Anyway I wil live in hope that you can maybe give us an option to disable all dynamic, updating behaviour for the thumbnails/shortcuts. that would do it!


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Custom Buttons²

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Just a note to that complete and utter RETARD there who is shouting about the lack of a help file and support.
Obviously you took the time to read the whole page...?
Look on the page and you might find this:
Now who is the idiot?

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