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Tinderstatus Требуется перезапуск
автор Alexander J. Vincent, Myk Melez
the status of Mozilla tinderboxen in the statusbar
Об этом дополнении
Tinderboxen are the computers which build Mozilla applications over and over, reporting the results of each build attempt to tinderbox.mozilla.org, so that developers making changes to the applications know when their changes cause the builds to break.
Tinderstatus will either display a green icon, meaning all tinderboxen last reported successful builds and tests; an orange icon, meaning all tinderboxen last reported successful build, but one or more reported test failures; a red icon, meaning one or more tinderboxen last reported build failures; or a black icon, meaning Tinderstatus was unable to retrieve the status of the tinderboxen.
Tinderstatus will also either display an open or closed door symbol on its icon depending on whether the Mozilla codebase is currently open or closed to general changes.
Tinderstatus tracks the Firefox, Firefox3.0, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, XULRunner, and Camino tinderboxen by default, but you can pick which tinderboxen to watch in the extension's preferences (for Firefox and SeaMonkey 2 users)