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I like this addon and have used it for years. But with FF49, it started playing a Windows notification-type sound everytime FF opens. I think the popup slider is what triggers the notification sound. So I disabled the setting to play a sound with Reminderfox notifications. It works for a while, but hours or days later, the sound setting is re-checked by itself and the sound reappears every time Firefox is opened. Very annoying, as I prefer a quieter PC. Please fix.

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ReminderFox is causing 2 issues with Firefox 45. One is that tabs cannot be moved with click and drag. The other is that Firefox itself does not completely close on exit. Its' process continues to run in Windows Task Manager. Until a fix is released, the author has asked users to disable the Foxy Alerts Slider in the ReminderFox settings. This resolves both issues.

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