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Some sites are problematic and that pop-up prompt you get so used to clicking "Save". I've had problems with MS Exchange web access at work and today Blizzard Entertainment's Battle.net. Sites with 2-step verification often have 2 password fields. It copies the wrong password and then you overwrite the old one accidentally. If you use a good password generator, this leaves you without access. Feature request: A per entry "Never update" check box in addition to an entry specific check box for keeping a brief PW history for problematic sites. Could put in a warning that history is a last resort." Store the history in memory so that it goes away when the browser shuts down.
A more secure alternative would be to have an additional button that updates the timestamp only rather than the userid / pw fields and a prompt if the current PW is different from the old one.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.6). 

... is that the more prompts you add, the more they are being ignored. So adding more prompts can make the problem worse; however a "recover last password" might be an interesting feature for your use case. I am also currently working on a backup / restore functionality, I am just missing the (difficult) encryption bit.

In the meantime - can you please raise your feature request at my support site:

Update - related bug:

Update2 - I created a user account at battle.net, but cannot find the 2-step verification you mentioned. Their login page


simply asks for username and password.