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Hello everybody

Does this addon let the mail in the inbox (as it is in an other folder). Gmail lets to have several tags by mail and it's what i'm searching for.

Thank you very much for your reply.
Excuse me my english is not very fluent !

I have just read your reply. You did it so fast and it's so useful !

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.2). 

this addon makes it easy to create rules (in Thunderbird these are called filter rules) in order to MOVE emails out of the Inbox into other folders. However you can also use the rules to add TAGS to emails, which may be what you mean. You can have multiple rules that add multiple different tags, while leaving the email in the inbox if you like.

The filter assistant can be configured to only affect tagging - enable the assistant and then tag an email - it will create a rule based on the following step (e.g. filter by sender or subject)

Also, please check the support site at http://quickfilters.mozdev.org