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I have used QuickFilters for more than a year and if there was only one filter I could use, QuickFilters would be it. I'm the type of person that receives more than 100 emails per day, far more than I can I possible process in a given day, so filtering is the only way to to keep a handle on the amount of stuff that comes in. Messages get placed into folders that I can skim when I have time, and everything else I just process as needed.

I used Thunderbird Message Filter's from day one, but found them hard to set up. But Quick Filters makes it easy to drag-drop-and-define or merge with a filter. Now I have more than 150 folders that Quickfilter made easy to set up.

If you are an email sorter type, QuickFilters will quickly become your best friend. Strongly recommended.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.1).