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When you choose to save the QNotes inside of the add-on, whats their path so can I find them by using file exlporer? With XNote++ there was a folder named XNote in the root folder of the profile. But I cannot find the QNotes and when I switch so saving Qnotes in a specific folder, the existing QNotes won't show in TB anymore. So I need to find them to move them manually I guess?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.6.3). 

They are storage in TB database or something like that.

Notes does not get converted to folder all at once when you switch storage from internal to folder.

They are saved into folder when you edit them one by one or create a new note.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Very nice, works nicely. Good job!
Although ist would be cool having the QNote Button also for the main toolbar.
And today I got the following error message trying to add a QNote to a mail I received: Can't create note. Message without 'message-id:' header
Can this be fixed?
I put a bounty of 100€ on bountysource for migration to TB78 but I pulled it back now since you were faster than the developers there. I will donate it to you as soon as everything works smoothly :)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.6.1). 

If the message-id: header is missing there are no option to save it now. Maybe in the future I will think something up. Any ideas then how to uniquely identify message w/o message-id: header?
Will take a look on main toolbar option.