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I can't imagine not using the conversations preview, so discovering in this plugins support forum that the maintainer has said [conversations] "changes the Thunderbird too much" and essentially writes it off as a possibility leaves me pretty disappointed, it could have been a nice utility. Instead, uninstalled because it's essentially unusable.

-- EDIT --
Thanks for your response alehro, I've posted on your forum with my reasoning. For others, he's correct that due to Conversations not being standard, it isn't really his fault that they're incompatible. That said, he's willing to listen, so for others like me who believe both are productivity tools and would marry very well, please leave him support for the effort on his forum!

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Here is what Conversations' developers write about that:
"Extension XXX does not work with Thunderbird Conversations.
As conversations is replacing the message reader, extensions that interact with the message reader won't work with Conversations. The good news is, I've taken this case into account and other addons can write "plugins" to interact with conversations if it's installed. I blogged about it. Please send an email to your favorite addon author, and point them to this blog post. Some cool addon authors have written plugins for Conversations: Lightning and Enigmail are compatible with Conversations!"
So, do you want me to write an add-on for Conversations? Please explain your position on the aforementioned forum. (Unfortunately if you simply modify your message here I won't receive notification)