Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I've been around a good while, but I've NEVER experienced such a superb developer as I did with this plugin. After deciding to get (the hell) out of the Apple walled garden, i had 20yrs of email data to move to Thunderbird on Linux (as a total noob to linux).

With a dog slow old iMac, very limited technical abilities, and some badly corrupted email folders, I didnt stand much of a chance.

But then came Christoper (developer of this plugin). Wow, just wow.

Day after day of fiddling and I finally have a nicely organised set of emails in Thunderbird, something I strongly doubted would be possible.

This plugin, combined with Christopher's phthon script, saved the day. I would urge all users to consider making a small donation to this project, the developer is as worthy of support as any I've ever dealt with. Please donate whatever you can (half of your donation goes to a very good cause).

Thank you so much Christopher.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (14.0.1).