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There is no better Add On for Thunderbird IMO, but it currently cannot be used past TB38.7.2 [last of the compatible non-beta releases]. I currently use TB38.7.2 at home but was forced to drop Ignore Aero at work when TB45 was adopted. A pity; I would gladly donate to Ignore Aero's future upkeep if the developer were to add a donation button here. Ignore Aero has all the details right: right-sized and colored icons for Read/UnRead, Forwarded/Replied, Junk column, Signed and Encrypted email, the tool buttons are clear, good contrast of text on backgrounds throughout, subtle venetian blind background in the message area, and the vertical spacing allows more folders to be listed at a time than any other skin (very efficient use of space) - Fantastic! Works well on a laptop screen. There are no icons that are overly large, bright, or distracting from the main purpose of using the tool, which is a common problem with the other skin Add Ons. I use small Icons Beside Text, and these Extensions: CompactHeader, Rise of the Tools, Allow HTML Temp, and Theme Font & Size Changer. This set up supports heavy professional use of TB, which I would not say about TB45's default appearance. It boggles my mind that with current display technology someone at Mozilla thinks the monochrome look of TB45 Default is a good idea for a serious email tool user. Mozilla should incorporate this skin into its built-in options, as it largely mimics how Mozilla originally created the look themselves.

" I do not understand why other users awarded 5 stars for a malfunctioning add-on. " I rate this 5 stars for use on TB version 38.7.2. Functionally it is superb; I do wish it would be updated for newer TB versions.