Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I'm giving this a "provisional" 5-star rating. The provisional status is because the E hotkey appears non-functional. I am in 78.6 and it does not work. I went to the developer's GitHub site and also see many complaints there regarding this issue. Please add a Hot Key! How about using Ctrl-H which was the one that worked fine on the Add On this is replacing, namely HeaderTools Lite?

On the good side, this Add On does just what it says it will. I was waiting to move toTBird 78 until I had a replacement for HeadTools Lite and this is it. I prefer running it with its default option of making only local changes disabled. That is easy to do with a click on the Add On page. I find this a necessary tool for TBird. I'm surprised it is native to the program.

Thank you for creating this Add On. I like it so much I have already made a contribution as the developer has asked.

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