Об этом дополнении
Other features available are "Merge Windows" which moves all tabs from all windows in to one single window, and "Detach Tab" which makes a window out of a tab.
For both features you can select tabs with Ctrl+Click. This allows you to merge only the selected tabs into a window, or to detach all selected tabs as tabs in a new window.
All actions can be invoked by toolbar buttons, shortcut keys and context menu items.
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
I've been happily relying on this simple little workhorse since it was first brought to my attention that such a basic feature was missing from firefox. It does exactly what it says, with no excess baggage.
FF terminated it with prejudice, though, so https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/duplicate-in-tab-context-menu/?src=userprofile seems like a decent replacement.
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
I just installed Duplicate Tab in the latest version of SeaMonkey, and can quite happily attest that it's working perfectly — not much more than I can (or need to) say, beyond thank you!! :-)
Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд
I agree with Mike Clark below. This is simply an automatic drop down button on most browsers under either file or edit. Why make this so complicated?
Часть этих подборок
Organization and etc.
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