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Using Pale Moon 26.5, the items in the status bar can't be moved by sliding the item away from the browser and into the folder, this problem has been going for a long time.
Good news, the upcoming Pale Moon 27 will fix that and the sliding works, but I have a suggestion.
When we slide the item out of the browser and into another location(folder), can the item auto-clear itself from the statusbar, something that the original add-on used to do?

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

When I want to drag something, sometimes I can drag things and other times I can't drag.
I have a long list of videos on my statusbar and I can drag many of them, but not all of them. (Other times, I am downloading music and I can't drag my songs at all, and the "Send to" is time-consuming.)
It doesn't stop there, the pop-up that shows you the stats of the file GETS IN THE WAY OF MY CLICKING. When I want to double-click something, I actually have to CLICK 3 TIMES! It gets annoying, and it's because it's doing the MD5Hash.

Like the previous reviewer, "PLEASE SUPPORT DOWNTHEMALL."

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

When I download sometime, the item shows in the Statusbar of my browser, every file I download shows up on that bar. That's what I call "my list." My list of downloads.
When I try to drag any, they don't show me the dragging image, nor do they move to the folder I assign them, as if I never dragged them. I have to right-click and "Send to," it is annoying, but I am accepting it for now.
I use Palemoon 24.5.0 based on Firefox 24 ESR.(Which should still be supported)

I can't delete the file, until I let MD5 checksum complete. If I just hover away from the file, the percentage stops, correct, but I can't delete the file until I let it go to 100%. I don't know why it happens, but that's happening. Sometimes I can't delete it right away, I have wait a while after the checksum, it's irritating, but I understand the reasoning for having this feature.

I raise my ratings because you interact with your Reviewers, that's effort. Sorry, for taking your time to read this.

Edit: 8.9.5 and dragging works. I guess I had an update and never noticed it, but it works! Another issue solved. Thank you.
As for the deleting, I'll have to just wait for a minute or two before I can delete it, I'll live with that, it is less importance over the dragging request.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I have used Unlocker for over 7 years. Thank you for the reminder.
The problem with the file not deleting is because the Download Status Bar is doing a MD5Hash calculation, and I can't delete while it is doing that. The MD5Hash thing happens when I hover over the item in the list, just when I am going to delete it.
Also, I keep trying to drag the file on my download list and it won't show me an image of it being dragged nor does it appear on my "selected" folder when I drag to it, like I never grabbed the item. Not sure what method you are describing, but it doesn't work, I've tried it.

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Hi megaman,

Thank you so much for your feedback.

I see. MD5 check is designed to check when the popup is showing. When popup is hidden, MD5 calculation stops automatically. When you right click on download item, context menu should show up and all popups should hide automatically. So normally this bug does not need to happen but bug happens. If you can describe me how to reproduce the bug, I will definitely try to fix it.

May I ask what do you mean by "my download list"? You need to drag and drop the download item into the Operating System folders to move it. Which operating system, firefox version and theme do you use?


Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

I gave it 3 stars for the reason that I have 2 problems and a request.
Problem #1: Sometimes, the files I try to delete won't delete, even after I completely close the program that is utilizing the file.
Problem #2: The old Download Statusbar would allow me to drag the file to a new folder, and it just removes the file from the list. The feature to select folder where to send, is tedious and annoying at best. I prefer to drag and drop into my folder of choice, like the good-old days.

Request #1: This add-on performs like the old version when I double-click an empty area of the add-on, it closes the add-on UI. I would like it to prevent from closing the UI when I double-click the UI layout, I might do it by accident and I can't manage the huge amount of files in the list, I have to hunting the designated folder, which is more tedious at best.

Other than that, this is the most amazing add-on I have seen and I love that it has improved. I would like to have "Automatically continue downloading when the browser closes," but as an option, not having to hunt-down the about:config.

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Hi megaman,

Thank you so much for your review and kind words.

Problem #1: I also encountered such bug but mostly it was another external application or Firefox itself which did not release the file. All I can suggest is to use Unlocker which will help release files in those cases and delete files after using Unlocker.


Problem #2: There is already a drag and drop feature for this add-on. Could you recheck please?

Thanks for the suggestion. I will add a preference for Double Click disable.

I am planning to redesign Options window soon and hopefully include those hidden preferences, too.
