Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Now support for Google gmail.com accounts has been added, this is an essential great add-on, and much better - especially when already using TbSync to sync with a Microsoft account - than using the separate add-ons by other people to sync the TB calendar and address books with a gmail.com account and therefore with my Android Phone's Calendar and Contacts. Using this means one consistent interface to sync with both Microsoft and Google calendars and address books rather than several very inconsistent ones. Just one note for new users syncing with a gmail.com account for the first time - by default Google will only offer the account's main calendar for syncing: to sync with any other calendars you may have added to your gmail.com calendar you have to go to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/syncselect and tick the other calendars you want to sync with Thunderbird's calendar (this is down to Google, not this add-on). Great add-on - thanks so much for this, John.

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