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Tested with Thunderbird on Ubuntu 12.04.
When connecting to Jira via HTTPS and using a self-signed cert do not forget to add the CA to Thunderbird key store. If not you get "Login go Jira failed." - which is not verbose enought to point in the right direction.

With Addon version 0.12.14 the attachment of your emails are not added to the new created Jira issue. To the author: This is a feature request ;-) A link to your public issue tracker is missing at your website.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.12.14). 

Hi Daniela,

thanks a lot for the feedback.
I have not tested self-signed certs yet, but will do so to produce a better error message.

Regarding the attachments, this is work in progress. Attachment parsing, displaying and selecting works as of now, but I still need some time to create the last step, uploading them to Jira. The very last part, the Jira part, is well documented, the part in between is a little minefield since it seems to be overly complicated to extract attachments from a mail stream :-(

Pleas stay tuned for updates.
