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Cookie Exporter 1.5.1-signed.1-signed Требуется перезапуск
автор fliwatüt
Exports all cookies in IE manner.
Makes a Netscape standard cookies.txt file.
Very useful for WGET --load-cookies option.
Об этом дополнении
Very useful for WGET --load-cookies option.
This extension was written as a replacement for the Export Cookies extension that seems not to be updated any longer and was in turn written as a replacement for the old allcookies extension for the same reason.
------------ Description --------------------------
The mandatory companion tool for downloading sites with WGET
A very minimum extension : no psychedelic design. Just the needed feature.
Why you need it? Many web sites are protected by either
-> authentication forms
-> Captchas ("Please enter the following code...")
-> vicious access rules like "you must first see some introductory or advertisement pages"
-> JavaScripts ("Please wait XY seconds...")
Such sites can't be downloaded with the well known WGET tool - usually
Export Cookies is the answer to this kind of restrictions.
-------- How it works ------------------
A typical scenario to download a web site with WGET becomes:
* Using Firefox, browse to the desired web site
* Go through all authentication, captcha, ... stuff
* Execute Export Cookies (just a simple item added in Firefox Tools menu) to make cookies.txt file
* Launch wget with
wget --load-cookies=cookies.txt http://foo.com