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История версий Classic Password Editor

5 версий

Будьте осторожны со старыми версиями!

Эти версии отображаются только для сведения и в целях тестирования. Вам следует всегда использовать последнюю версию дополнения.

Версия 1.1.2 71.6 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 52.0a1 - 60.*

Fixed options page so it now works in Pale Moon.

Версия 1.1.1 71.5 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 52.0a1 - 60.*

  • Changed options interface to type 3 (HTML page), since old type 1 is no longer supported.
  • Dropped SeaMonkey support for now, due to problems with default preferences (may return later).
  • Now supporting Waterfox, thanks to thunderbird.net hosting non-Firefox add-ons.

Версия 1.0.3 71.1 KiB Работает с SeaMonkey 2.39 - 2.49.*, Thunderbird 52.0a1 - 60.*

  • Updated compatibility for Pale Moon.
  • Added compatibility for Waterfox, but commented out: application ID is the same as Firefox, which would cause this to be rejected by AMO, which only accepts WebExtensions for Firefox.
  • Code improvements.

Версия 1.0.2 71.0 KiB Работает с SeaMonkey 2.39 - 2.55.*, Thunderbird 45.0 - 58.*

  • Added missing module import in pwdmgrOverlay.js (causing failures in Pale Moon).
  • Refined minVersion for Pale Moon, to follow guidelines.

Версия 1.0 70.9 KiB Работает с SeaMonkey 2.39 - 2.49, Thunderbird 45.0 - 58.0

Changes since Saved Password Editor 2.10.3:
  • Renamed as "Classic Password Editor".
  • Changed all references to the SPE name (including identifiers) to the corresponding CPE name.
  • Set version to 1.0.
  • Added compatibility with Pale Moon.
  • Replaced logo/icon.
  • Fixed bug with site pre-selection in Saved Logins/Saved Passwords.