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Имя Silberschwarz
Пользователь с Апрель 22, 2008
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Мои отзывы

Slim Add-ons Manager

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Viel besserer Überblick im Add-Ons Manager, äußerst nützlich bei Verwendung vieler Add-Ons. Leider nicht kompatibel mit Quantum, daher hoffe ich, dass Mozilla das entweder dem Entwickler technisch ermöglicht, oder die Funktionalität einfach selber bietet.
Was ja bei so einigen Add-Ons wünschenswert wäre. Mozilla, wenn ihr beliebte Funktionaliäten dadurch einschränkt, dass sie durch Add-Ons nicht mehr geleistet werden können, bietet die Option doch einfach nativ an - Firefox soll doch weiter ein beliebter und individuell gestaltbarer Browser bleiben?


Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

hasinasi just proved that the "settings" bug is not only happening to me. So it would be great to have this solved! - another one i found out: the "intelligent" suggestions of destination folders don´t work at all. Every next time I open Thunderbird again and want to save an attachment, NO (sense making) destination is suggested. I instead would suggest to add my ideas below to the destination window: a list of fave folders chosen by the user, perhaps by a checkbox "add to fave folders" when choosing a destination folder. Additionally it would be good to have the fave folders visible that has been set in windows explorer (Vista), just like in the save window Thunderbird opens by default when choosing the "normal" "save all/selected".
And another suggestion: The new Entries in the right click context menu should better be called "save all/selected and open folder" than "ex save all/selected" - that would be more logical! Would be great if you consider these ideas! Thanks!

TB Reset Quote Header Extension

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Please release an update compatible to the current version of Thunderbird! Cause the information-less quote headers are also an issue in Thunderbird 2. Thanks a lot!

Yes, the developer link is still broken and no contact possible.


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Another thing: Since I can´t open the settings I don´t know if i can find the options there, but I´d like to give some suggestions to the add-on after a bit of using and testing:

- The window to set the path for saving the attachment should be bigger (and resizable), like the one that Thunderbird opens if you use the standart "save to" function.

- Then there could also be a "last chosen folders" menu, or even a "favourite folders" (There could be a checkbox "add to favourites") menu. Just if the suggested ones don´t fit often.

- It´s really great to have the destination folder opened after saving, but in the "set path for saving" folder there should be an option to set if one would like to open the destination folder OR NOT. Just like WinRar does with a checkbox, but the checkbox should be "open folder" by default.


Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Hi, great thing! It´s really much better to view the oics in the slideshow than embedded in the message. But do you have a hint how to prevent Thunderbird to embed them in the messages at all? Cause this is annoying especially when quoting an email, cause all the pics are then in the quote, unwanted. Maybe you could put an option to SLIDESHOW to prevent pics to be embedded in messages - that would be really great! Thank you!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.9). 

Attachment Sizes

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great Thing!
But it would be just more great to have an extra info line/spot that shows the size of all attachments together. This is especially useful with sending attachments, cause then you can keep your whole attachments size below certain mailboxe`s limits for example.


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Hi, thanks alot, this extension provides functions that were heavily missed in Thunderbird! Hint for TB developers: THIS should be in TB 3! THAT would be real progress that makes a new Thunderbird worthwhile!

But I can´t open the settings. I get an error message which says:

XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: Undefinierte Entität
Adresse: chrome://attachspace/content/settings.xul
Zeile Nr. 6, Spalte 1:
dialog xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"

Translation of the German parts:

XML-processing error: undefined entity

"Zeile" = line
"Spalte" = row

Would be great if you solve this in an update if it is not an individual error not refferring to the add-on.


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Hi, thanks alot, this extension provides functions that were heavily missed in Thunderbird! Hint for TB developers: THIS should be in TB 3! THAT would be real progress that makes a new Thunderbird worthwhile!

But I can´t open the settings. I get an error message which says:

XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: Undefinierte Entität
Adresse: chrome://attachspace/content/settings.xul
Zeile Nr. 6, Spalte 1: