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Thunderbird désactive cet addon depuis le 60, il n'y a pas d'autres addon aussi pratique que smilie inserter. il faut que thunderbird le réactive !

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After years this plugin still work and we just have to "enforce" the version availability in the meta-data.
The plugin now suffers from the "Thunderbird has blocked a file from loading into this message." caveat due to a change in security policy from thunderbird.
But i have a patch of the smilieDialog.js file that loads the image as base64 data avoiding this problem, i just would be happy to help. if @Christian wish to update the plugin.

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T-Bird version 24.5.0 will not allow this add-on.

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Uncompilable with thunderbird 24.5

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Great app !! (O.k., should rather be called add-on...) ..but it's just what I was looking for. Thank you !!
Have one idea for improvement: icons for subfolders could be integrated in the smilies' window to make directory change even more easy

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I have been using Smilie Inserter for quite a while and was very disappointed when I found that it no longer works with TB 13. Might you consider providing an updated version if we ask nicely?

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Get SmilieInserter Plus by Throoper. It rocks...

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0.7.0 tested ok for TB7:

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Seems like years since Smilie Inserter worked properly. The incompatibility with subsequent versions of v3 and later forcing me to rig the old 0.7 to work. With Throoper's SmilieInserter Plus, all of that is a thing of the past. First time in forever the scroll bars are working. Thanks Throoper!!! https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/user/1044922/

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If you like to insert smilies in your messages, this is the add-on for you. Much, much easier and faster than doing it T-Bird's way.

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All I can see there is the old 0.7.0 version, not Thunderbird 5 compatible.
How can I get the version?


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Version works great in TB5, many thanks to Throoper!

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Thanks to Throoper for his version, compatible with TB5.

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works OK with TB5 - now who do i know that hates smilies

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Finally have this updated for 5.0 with working scrollbars.
E-mail me for a copy.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Love it! An add-on I really like. I've been looking for one like this for ages.

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Any fix for scroll bars?

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Salut ! J'adore ce module ! Merci de l'avoir développé, j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à le trouver et celà correspond exactement à ce que je cherchais.
Seul bémol : Je suis sous Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Gnome 2.30.2) et hélas il y a un petit soucis d'affichage. Il n'y a pas de barres de défilement dans la fenêtre permettant de choisir les smilies... Comme j'en collectionne pas mal, je ne vois que les premiers de la liste, les autres dépassant de l'écran... Si une mise à jour est prévue, ça serait super de corriger ce détail !
En attendant, merci encore pour ce module bien pratique !

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Doesn't work with Thunderbird 3.02

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I waiting for the version working with the last version TB .. I can't find the way to disable the comaptibility check