Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thanks for making Thunderbird as flexible as KMail ;)

What doesn't work for me:
1. Choosing "Start my reply below the quote" in account settings places
the SmartTemplate4 text at the end of the message.
2. Choosing "Start my reply above the quote" leaves 2 lines of space
between the SmartTemplate4 text and the quoted message.

I'd gladly give a 5 star review if those things would work (either I'm
doing something wrong or it's due to bugs).

Much thanks.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.9.1). 

Thanks for the four stars; indeed we have a new development team and we are fixing (and tracking) a lot of bugs on bugzilla:


1. this is [Bug 25099], you can find a fixed version here (0.9.2 prerelease 42):

2. This is [Bug 25103], with the prerelease from above you can set it but we haven't written a global settings page yet.


There is a new setting in about:config

which is currently boolean (true / false). We might change this to be a numeral instead so you can choose to insert 0,1,2 or more <BR> at the top. Default is false and this completely removes all line breaks on the top.