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История версий GameFOX

16 версий

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Эти версии отображаются только для сведения и в целях тестирования. Вам следует всегда использовать последнюю версию дополнения.

Версия 180.4 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.6 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.15a1

  • Disable tracked topic features as they may be causing excessive load on GameFAQs
  • Fix error message caused by a GameFAQs update

Версия 180.8 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.6 - 16.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.13a1

  • Changes on the New Topic/Message page:
    • Fix problem with buttons
    • Add keyboard shortcuts
  • Fix quick edit, quoting, topic creator label, edit history, and several other issues from the GameFAQs update
  • Allow tabbing to the post message buttons in quick edit
  • Fix page sometimes not reloading after quick posting if GameFOX's messages per page setting doesn't match GameFAQs

Версия 181.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.6 - 13.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.9a1

  • Fix crash with Ricapar's Classic theme when clicking on the login form
  • Fix split board lists overwriting favorites list
  • Fix board-specific signatures using board IDs
  • Enable code and quote HTML tag buttons by default
  • Switch to a password-based account manager instead of a cookie-based one - accounts will no longer need to have their password re-entered periodically
  • More minor bug fixes

Версия 179.2 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.6 - 12.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.9a1

  • Fix for account-specific signatures

GameFOX 0.8.5
  • Make the edit history drop-down menu look nicer
  • Remove compatibility with:
    • Firefox 3.5 (3.6 is still supported)
    • SeaMonkey 2.0 (minimum is now 2.1)
  • Fix QuickWhois being unreadable with some themes
  • Fix options window on OS X
  • Simplify signature mangement: the signature textbox is hidden unless you're using GameFOX to manage your signatures. Signatures are now stored only on GameFAQs by default, but no features were removed
  • Basic (incomplete) support for reverse ("newest first") message ordering
  • Highlight the "New Messages" link when you have new PMs
  • Add a quick reply for PMs: write a reply while having the original message on the same page
  • Add buttons to follow, add as friend, or PM a user from QuickWhois
  • Other minor bug fixes and enhancements

Версия 170.3 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.5 - 11.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.4.*

  • GameFOX sidebar:
    • Add Vita and Wii U to platform links
    • Fix login form
  • Fix quoting bug when the Disconnect extension is installed
  • Include the signature in the character count (to be consistent with GameFAQs)
  • Quick editing! Edit your posts on the message list without leaving the page
  • Show user profiles in a box after hovering over username links (QuickWhois)
  • Edit history viewer on the message list: switch between different revisions of a post without leaving the page
  • Several small bug fixes

Версия 166.1 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.5 - 10.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.4.*

  • Fix features on message detail page (including highlighting and custom date formats)
  • Fix bug triggered by certain usernames that stopped GameFOX from working
  • Fix adding or updating accounts with the account manager
  • Fix GameFOX favorites being overwritten with board lists
  • Fix QuickPost error when making the last post of a page
  • Fix the new post indicator showing on the active messages list after editing a post

Версия 165.5 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.5 - 10.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.4.*

GameFOX is now fully compatible with the latest versions of both GameFAQs and Firefox.

Several styles have been added which serve as companions to GameFAQs themes. If you're using a custom GameFAQs theme in your account settings, you should check the Style options to see if there's a matching companion to improve things.

* Fix message link icons CSS
* Make the "remove side column" CSS work on more pages
* Fix bug preventing GameFOX from working on message lists for some people
* Re-add option to toggle the quote link
* Re-add Ricapar's Classic CSS
* Fix quoting with two-column message lists
* Fix QuickPost appearing above page links
* Fix adding/removing users from highlighting groups with two-column message lists
* Support for Firefox 10 and SeaMonkey 2.4
* Compatibility with latest version of GameFAQs
* Add and remove several themes to match updates to GameFAQs' own theme list
* New CSS: Remove side column

Версия 168.2 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.5 - 4.0.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*

Full release notes: http://beyondboredom.net/gamefox/releasenotes/0.7.12.html
Previous release notes: http://beyondboredom.net/gamefox/releasenotes/0.7.11.html

* Fix quoting, filtering and QuickWhois with left message data
* Fix "edit" link with message link icons stylesheet
* Update 8for11 CSS
* Fix QuickPost reset button
* More robust QuickPost which may fix the bugs affecting some people
* Fix QuickPost appearing on message detail pages for mods
* Fix highlighting of VIPs/mods/admins
* Add option to hide the signature textbox

Версия 0.7.10 145.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.5 - 4.0b7pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*

Release notes: http://beyondboredom.net/gamefox/releasenotes/0.7.10.html

* Allow the options window to be resized again
* Support for the GameFAQs site redesign

Версия 0.7.9 144.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.5 - 4.0b7pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*

Release notes: http://beyondboredom.net/gamefox/releasenotes/0.7.9.html

* Fix the tracked topic holding feature
* Fix problems with stylesheets and other features not working correctly for some people
* Fix problems with topic pagination, last post links and message numbering
* Fix double headers appearing on the poll of the day
* Add option to disable scrolling to QuickPost after quoting
* The options window no longer blocks focus to the Firefox window on Windows
* Move the topic list QuickPost link next to the New Topic link to prevent accidental clicks on Add to/Remove Favorites

Версия 0.7.8 143.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.5 - 4.0b6pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*

Release notes: http://beyondboredom.net/projects/gamefox/releasenotes/0.7.8.html

* Remove compatibility with Firefox 3.0
* Fix QuickPost on Brilliant
* Fix bug with topic and post matching highlighting groups
* Update GFPastel 2010
* Add compatibility with Firefox 4.0
* Remove Board Settings from the options window
* Add topic pages to context menu on message lists
* New highlighting interface
* Add ability to highlight all admins, mods, VIPs or tracked topics
* Add the GameFAQs clock to QuickPost
* Redesign toolbar icons
* Move sidebar options to separate window (accessed from "configure sidebar" link at the bottom of the sidebar)
* Fix custom date format in message detail
* Notification for new posts in tracked topics
* Fix topic list link on boards that contain "track" in the title
* Move favorites menu to platform bar
* Fix ad blocking with sponsored poll of the day

Версия 0.7.7 147.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*

Two more issues caused by the GameFAQs update have been fixed.

* Fix QuickPost with "go back to same page" option
* Fix board-specific signatures

Версия 0.7.4 152.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 3.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*

GameFOX can now change the date formats on GameFAQs. There are several presets for different locales (including 24 hour time and DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD dates), and a custom setting that lets you change the format to anything.

The GameFAQs clock has been improved, with support for a custom date format. It can be enabled by checking Tools | GameFOX | Main | Page | Add clock.

Two new GameFAQs themes have been added: SpotFAQs and 8for11. You can view their descriptions and enable them from the Style options (Tools | GameFOX | Style).

Firefox 2 compatibility has been removed. Only Firefox 3 and newer are supported.

The toolbar icons for the GameFOX options and sidebar are now different from each other.

Favorites in the GameFOX sidebar are now in a list box instead of a drop down menu.

* Drop Firefox 2 compatibility
* Custom date formats
* New CSS: SpotFAQs
* Improve the GameFAQs clock and add it to the options window
* New CSS: 8for11
* Different icons for the sidebar and options toolbar buttons
* Replace the favorites drop down menu in the sidebar with a list box
* Add "Show Category List" board setting
* Remove inline code tags (block level code is still there)
* Compatibility with Firefox 3.6 and SeaMonkey 2.0

Версия 0.7.3 123.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 2.0 - 3.5.*, SeaMonkey 2.0a1pre - 2.0b1pre

A bug introduced in 0.7.2 that only affected Firefox 2 has been fixed. Two other bugs have also been fixed.

Descriptions in the Style pane of the options window have been changed to appear when a stylesheet is first enabled or from the context menu. The "Description" column has been removed.

* Fix topic QuickPost when GameFAQs' main stylesheets are disabled
* Fix QuickPost buttons not appearing under some circumstances
* Change how descriptions in the Style pane of the options window are presented (now shown in a dialog box when enabling or from right click -> About)
* Fix a problem with the context menu and sidebar in Firefox 2

Версия 0.7.2 123.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 2.0 - 3.5.*, SeaMonkey 2.0a1pre - 2.0b1pre

A minor release that fixes a few bugs. A new CSS, "remove signatures" has been added to complement the "hide signatures" CSS. This CSS completely removes signatures instead of replacing them with a "hover to show signature" message.

* Add clock to top of page - can be enabled by setting the "gamefox.elements.clock" pref to true
* Undisable "Post Message" button after successfully making a post
* Enable middle-clicking for tracked topics list in the context menu
* Fix a security issue
* Compatibility with Firefox 3.5
* Fix a few third-party cookie issues for Firefox 3.5
* New CSS: Remove signatures

Версия 0.7.1 121.0 KiB Работает с Firefox 2.0 - 3.5b5pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a1pre - 2.0b1pre

This release fixes problems caused by GameFOX 0.7 and the GameFAQs redesign.

* Fix removal of old stylesheets on update
* Fix horizontal scroll bar that was appearing for some people
* Fix QuickWhois for your own profile
* Fix "Hide signatures" CSS with above message data
* Fix signature importing and exporting in the options window
* Fix message header links in archived topics
* Fix new post label on the active messages list not disappearing
* New CSS: FAQ frames