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Manually sort folders 1.1 isn't a solution either as it is not moving Local Folders back to the top (the real value of Folderpane Tools) and leaving my imap, blogs/news feeds, and other local folders, below . *&^%(*&^)(*&^)(*&

Attempts to revert (in aptitude, bring up package thunderbird, go to bottom pane / package details - note purged line. + to tell it to install, and voila.) got me 11.0. Unbelievable!

Googling revealed recent (last month) Ubuntu update to 38.1 from July update to 31.8.

Downloaded 31.8 from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/31.8.0/linux-x86_64/en-GB/ to my 12.04 Kubuntu.

Unpacked via alias unpack='tar xvf' to my favourite appropriate directory, /usr/local/src and gained a thunderbird directory underneath. Ran /usr/local/src/thunderbird/thunderbird, and voila. Update the menu entry, get on with my day, and STOP this breaking upgrade Mozilla nonsense.

Note: Attempting to get en-gb dictionaries only to get incompatible (not 38.1) version. Phooey, phaw, and gave up.