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This was a 5-star add-on, but Thunderbird 68.x.x broke it. Is the author still around? Will this extension be upgraded to work again or is it dead in the water? Anyone know of a replacement that still works?

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Just got updated to 68.4.1 and it stopped working. I tried installing manually, but would not let me. This was working with v 68.1.n until today.
Bummer -
Why has TB not implemented this simple function right into TB?

Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

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I love this add-on, but sadly it doesn't work anymore in version 68+. So hopefully this one will be made compatible with the latest version!

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Will miss it; any chance of updating for TB v60+?


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Although not shown as compatible I have installed this add-on and it appears to work fine. I downloaded and dragged-dropped as the Add-on menu appears not to list it. I am using the 32bit version as there are still warnings about add-on compatibility with 64bit.
Having only just moved from Demon's old Turnpike (RIP) to Thunderbird I am pleased to get this simple function back!

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Hi, nice add-on but if I enable Thunderbird Conversations it doesn't work.

Can you check why?

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I am using Thunderbird 38.7. I kept finding that when forwarding mails with attachments, the attachments or at least some of them were not affixed to the forwarded mail. After disabling add-ons one at a time I found that "Close on reply" was the culprit. Since disabling the add-on the problem has disappeared.
Would appreciate it if this could be solved so that I can continue to use the add-on.

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On TB 31.7.0 it's unfortunately not working anymore :(

I don't know how long I've been using this add-on, but very long for sure.

Please, please, pretty-please, get this to work with TB 31+ pretty-pretty-please ;_;

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doesn't work for me on latest TB version :(

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

The app works as advertised. Good Work, serves to make the Thunderbird experience slicker.

The only missing feature is that the tab for a draft message does not close when clicking "Edit Draft". Would it be possible to add this?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0). 

Thanks for the review

That should be possible I wil take a look at it wha, I have time, hopefully soon