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When I started to test this add-on, it appeared to work well as it was blocking the links to sites of a adult nature. However after a very short time, matter of hours, CensureBlock had become more and more intrusive, I found it was now blocking me from getting software updates from some computer sites, plus the add-on itself could not be turned off properly even when it was disabled in the normal way. With censureblock filter apparently de-activated in Firefox, I found it was still actually active because it was filtering the results of searches on google, when it should have not been doing anything.. The last straw came when I noticed that censureblock, when re-enabled, had now completely stopped blocking access to adult sites, thus a total waste of time it being installed. I had to remove it to restore Firefox functionality in other areas too, firefox was beginning to lock up. I'm now looking for a better add-on or separate product.