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BOINC Stats 2 Требуется перезапуск
автор spaceShot
Displays your Total and Recent Average Credits for BOINC distributed computing projects in the status bar.
Об этом дополнении
BOINC is a distributed computing platform created by the University of California, Berkeley. It allows you to "Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research" as part of projects such as the famous SETI@Home.
User Options
Update frequency (minimum 1 hour), display or not display project icons, 12 or 24 hour time format, and selection of projects for which stats are displayed.
BOINC Stats 2 is now capable of displaying a user's stats for all known BOINC projects.
BOINC Stats 2 is based on BOINC Stats by tekwyzrd. It hadn't been updated since 2006 and I thought it would be nice to have it available for current versions of Firefox.
It was necessary to change the location of the extension's preferences to pass the initial upload check. As a result, the extension will run a one-time update to move your prefs if you are updating from a version earlier than 1.1.