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Обо мне

Информация о разработчике
Имя klklaser
Пользователь с Апрель 7, 2015
Число разработанных дополнений 0 дополнений
Средний рейтинг дополнений разработчика Пока не оценено

Мои отзывы


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The bug was that some intermittent URL requests were timing out, and I could find no information on it through multiple search attempts.

At first this extension appeared difficult to use, then a better way to use it occurred. I performed the following steps.

1) Deleted all inactive extensions.
2) Moved all active extensions to inactive.
3) Cleaned all entries.
4) Reactivated all inactive extensions.

This method resulted in the loss of extensions I did not have currently active, and some extension setup information was lost for certain ones I inactivated and later reactivated, but for me this method worked fine.