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Basically this plugin would be very useful if it worked as defined and as expected.

It seems to be coded in haste and still contains many uncorrected bugs. It would be nice if the developer first finished the coding properly, following all relevant standards, and only after then posted the plugin to the web.

1) When exporting to UTF-8, each field contains encoding specification "ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:", which is right, but the necessary second half of the information ";CHARSET=UTF-8" is always absent. The target device then uses its default, which is one of the Latin-1 charsets for most devices and hence it is imported with errors.

2) The plugin correctly translates into UTF-8 and encodes in quoted printable the calendar event data. But it does not do the same with categories - they are in ANSI charset and unencoded, hence the whole export file is not usable.

3) The category header reads CATAGORIES:, which is, of course, not recognized by standards-compliant receivers.

These are just three that I could find.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.6.2).