Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Compared to the other extensions in it's class it has a number of advantages:

*It actually does what it says it does.

*It has a large list of agents.

*It has an easy import function and a link to a (mostly) updated list of user agents. The list is flawed but nobody else has posted anything close to this.

*The UI flows well.

*It comes with an icon- and the icon isn't jumpy!

There is another bonus trick: Often times a casualty from the rabid-release carnage is extension developers put their minimum compatibility numbers too low. This especially hits users of browsers such as Palemoon because browsers like that don't have inflated version numbers. With a good UA switcher those users can come on and appear to have the latest Failfox and get the (100% compatible) extensions they want without the dumb version # hassle.

*EDIT* I went ahead and removed the earlier comment. Happy holidays!

I have not abandoned the extension, but I have found it hard to work on this extension recently with the other commitments in my life. However, I do have an update that is about 80% complete which has some improvements and bug fixes. I can't say when this will be released, but I'm hoping to get to it early in the new year.