Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I'm switching from Wunderlist to todo.txt because the Evil Empire (R) bought Wunderlist. This add-on is a wonderful shortcut for the transition. Just install it, and most Thunderbird task features work seamlessly to edit your todo.txt file.

I'd give it five stars, except that it's missing some features. (I suspect some may be there, but if so, they're not documented, So in my book they don't exist yet.)

In particular, I'd like the widely used Simpletask extensions to be included:
due date (due:),
threshold date (t:),
recurring tasks (rec:),
and hidden (h:1) tags.
All of these, except for h:1, implement functions already existing in TB's stock task system.

I'd also add a new tag, message (msg:), to use with phone-call tasks to keep a record of the dates & times when messages were left.

Another thing, just as TB's display of messages can be sorted and then grouped by the sort criteria, the display of tasks should have this capability.

Also, and very important, the stock Thunderbird task list should be enhanced to allow multi-field sorting. The stock version only allows single-field sorts. Since the Todo.txt extension is based on todo-txt-js, which already has multi-field sorting built in, this shouldn't be that hard.

Finally, I'd request what might be called "field labelling." Sometimes it's desirable to substitute labels for fields in displays of tasks. For example, Michael Linenberger's "One-Minute Todo List" (1MTD) uses categories like "Critical Now," "Opportunity Now," and "Over the Horizon." He recommends implementing them by using priorities, and this system works well. The only problem is when you look at the display you see (A), (B), etc. If we could associate these with labels, then the display for high-priority items could read: "Critical Now: Things that must be done today. (<= 5, review hourly)." This would be very useful, especially if the label could be use for group headings.

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