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Installed it in Thnderbird 45.4.0 and even though I hit the update button it does not collect any information or show any statistics whatsoever.
It's sad because apparently there is no alternative to this plugin.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.2.2). 

UPDATE 15/12/2016: With version 1.3 I've added a debbuger that can send me a report with information to better understand the problem. May you try it? Thanks.

I'm using ThunderdStats daily on Thunderbird 45.4.0 with no problems.
Please remember that ThunderStats uses the Thunderbird internal database to query all the needed data for the statistics. If it doesn't work, maybe your internal database could be corrupted.

I could help you asking more information, if you file a issue here: https://github.com/micz/ThunderStats/issues clicking the "New issue" button.

I'd like also to ask you to remove this one-star review. It's easy to trash hours of free time I put on working this addon with a "it doesn't work" one-star review without giving any hint to help figuring out the problem you're experiencing.
Thank you.