Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

The most important browser addon to me. Great productivity tool to organize your sessions according to what task you are currently focusing on. You can save sessions for later use, and restore them later. The Backup and Recovery feature has saved me many times.

Yet why did i give 3/5 stars? Not (just) because it doesn't support Quantum, but because there is no easy way to get updates on progress wrt Quantum support. The dev has not updated the homepage in a long while. The only avenue for feedback and comments is a single forum thread which has now been locked.

To dev(s) : Please update your homepage, regarding progress or roadblocks on Quantum support. Thank you for this wonderful addon. I cannot live without it.

edit: I tried alternative addons which work with Quantum , but they all suck in comparison to this one. I had to downgrade to Firefox 52 ESR because i can't live without this addon.

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