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Thank you, JoungKyun, for your speedy response! I am now using version 0.3.0 for FF 28 and it appears to be working perfectly.

Thanks again for such a quick update.

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Thank you, JoungKyun, for your quick response. By confirming the problem, you save me time and effort in trying to find what is wrong.

I look forward to your next release.

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Release 0.3.0 for FF 28 but awaiting full review status. If you want to get 0.3.0 as rapidly as posible, you can get http://ftp.oops.org/pub/Windog/Firefox/Extension/rightencoding/


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For some time now, when I right click on a web page and hover over "Character Encoding", I see:

More Encodings
Customize List...

I see nothing else listed.

When I hover over "Auto-Detect", nothing appears.
When I hover over "More Encodings", I get 5 items appear:

West European
East European
East Asian
SE & SW Asian
Middle Eastern

- but when I hover over each of them, nothing appears.

This add-on used to work until a few weeks ago. Maybe another add-on is conflicting with it?


After your response to my review, I have updated the "rating" back to "5 stars".

I look forward to the next release.

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I confirmed this problems in FF 28 and am fixing now. wait some days plez.

Currently, working well until FF 27.x