Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I like this tool a lot! Clean and simple. Just what I need.

But I have some suggestions on how it could be even better. It would be great to also be able to take notes. I know it is possible to add notes to the reminders/ToDo's, but if the note is long the tooltip becomes huge which I find impractical. Thus it would be nice to have a tab where you could take notes. I imagine a list of notes on the left and text field on the right. When a note in the list is selected it's text is filled in the text field on the right. The text field could be edited directly, maybe also with some basic formatting like bold and italic...and maybe hyperlinks.

I am also missing a button to easily manage the lists.

Take a look at how it might look like:


Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.7.2).