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NotTo 0.4 Требуется перезапуск
автор Tomer Rotstein
Are you using mailing lists in Thunderbird ?
Do you forward a lot of mail ?
If so, this extension may be useful for you.
Об этом дополнении
The extension works in two levels:
1. When you compose the mail you can mark an address to be NotTo address by selecting "NotTo" from the drop down box next to the addresses box.
When sending the mail, the mail wouldn't be send to the addresses you've specified. This is useful when you have a mailing list containing a lot of recipients and you wish to avoid sending the mail to specific individuals.
2. A new forward command is added to the forward menu button: "NotTo Forward". It acts as regular forward, but in addition puts the sender in a NotTo address. This is useful when you want to forward a mail to a mailing list (like friends) which includes the original sender. You wouldn't want sending him back his mail.
Acknowledgments goes to Noa Rotstein for this idea.