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After updating Newsfox the other day, clicking the NF icon produced a message about the icon being deprecated; use new icon. So I substituted the new icon for the old, only to discover that the new icon is twice as wide as the old one and takes up twice as much space on the toolbar. WTF!?

Followup: I'm talking about the NewsFox icon in Firefox, not the buttons within NewsFox.

Update: OK. I figured out the problem. At the time I updated, "none" was already selected as the text option for buttons. As already described, updating resulted in a double-width NewsFox icon (the extra width apparently for displaying the number of unread items). I went in to options, changed the button text option to "unread", then changed it back again, and the double-width icon had changed to its normal size. Still, half the time the icon has a blue background, and half the time it doesn't.

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Go to Options - General - NewsFox button text and select "none" and the width will disappear.

Most people wish to have either the #new or #unread displayed, so that is the default.

Update: The blue background means that NewsFox has found an RSS feed on the page. All the possible features of the button are at http://newsfox.mozdev.org/rss/2008.html#nf34.