Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

vraiment très intéressé par ce module, mais lorsque je cherche à installer la nouvelle versions
je reçois le message " ce module n'a pas n'a pas pu être installé car il semble corrompu"
je suis en version 102.131.1
essayé de l'installer via firefox mais même problème

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

New version here :

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

Great plugin providing functionality that should be included in core Thunderbird long ago.
Unfortunately this version no longer works with Thunderbird v24 or v26. After changing maxversion to 99.* the plugin loads, but it doesn't actually work in the compose screen.
On Thunderbird v16 and v17 it works.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Works well, but does not function in the lightning Invite Attendees window

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Does what it says even in my tb17a2. Nice! Works also like a charm with non LDAP directory servers (e.g. via exchange addon)

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I can confirm that it still works in version 10. Just had to unzip the package and change maxVersion to 99.*

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Hi, first of all i would like to express my appreciation
for this Thunderbird add-on. it's very helpful.
I noticed that when you use the auto complete in a new mail,
multi ldap only auto complete with the ldap fields "first name", "last name" and "email"
it skips/ignores other ldap fields like: "nickname", "screen name" or "additional email" (ect ect)

is there a way to alter that ?!
i would really like to see auto complete on nickname and other fields as well.

Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This is a great add-on for environments with several LDAP servers. It is simple and works, my personal favorite of all the add-ons. I just installed it on TB3.1.9. Thanks for keeping this up-to-date.

Этот пользователь ранее оставил 2 отзыва на это дополнение.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Fonctionne très bien avec TB3.1.2 .Works fine with TB3.1.2 .Thanks.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.1.4). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Works great on TB2.
Does exactly what it is supposed to.
Tested with 2 ldaps servers. Autocompletion in email window or addressbook, ok.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.1.2). 

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Doesn't seem to work for me on TB 3.0.3. I can select several LDAP servers, but no auto-completions work at all unless I disable this.

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Hello !
After selecting the directories, you need to open a new compose window in order to use your updated auto-completion settings.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

It does seem to work well and basically as advertised (using TB v2.0.0.12 on Ubuntu 7.10). The only that seems unintuitive to me is that when there is only a single match then what you've typed so far stays red and unchanged until you press Tab or Enter, which is the same behavior as when there are no matches.

I'm fairly new to Thunderbird and was dismayed to discover that it only supports a single LDAP server for a given lookup, so this extension saved the day for me!

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