Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Michel Renon - thanks for your reply to my review. I can't figure out how to reply to your reply, so I'm entering a new review.

Your drag 'n drop suggestion works just fine and meets my needs very well. I find the Contacts Slider to be very useful when sending email to multiple recipients. Sometimes I don't know all the people I want to include so autocomplete is not as useful. With the slider I can review all my contacts to jog my memory for who I want to include.

Thanks again.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Great concept. Almost exactly what I want. Only problem is that with this add-on enabled I can't add message recipients from the "Contacts Slider" in the message composition window. Neither right clicking the name and selecting "Add to …" nor using the "Add to …" buttons works.

Fix that, and it's 6 stars.


PS: Using TB 17.0.5

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.1). 

Thanks for your feedback !
About the "Contacts Slider", the initial idea was to replace it with the autocomplete feature.
I tested and you can drag'n'drop one contact (or several contacts) from the contact slider to the fields (to, cc, bcc). It's not perfectly integrated, but it's a correct workaround for your request.
Keep me informed if this is ok for you.