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Hello, I really like the addon, this addressing interface is much more convenient.Since latest update however I am unable to send new mail, I have configured the addon to always show To and Bcc. But it shows To only and, even though I fill in recipients, upon sending mail TB complaints I didn;t set any recipients? Can you please fix that, I didn't have this problem with previous version.

In followup to developers comment:
I first reverted back to 1.0 and the problem disappeared. I updated again to 1.1 and now it's still working ok. Don't know what went wrong previously, may be a conflict with other addons and order in which xul overlays are merged? I will keep you posted here whenever the problem rises again. Thanks for the addon.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.1). 

Hi, I'm very surprised by what you describe. It seems there is a problem with preferences. Can you test :
- go to preferences and re-save them,
- if the problems are still there, remove and the re-install the module.
Keep me informed if it's ok.