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Cl;arification, title refers to the original app, as others have pointed out Menu Wizard, works with latest firefox, and seems fine with Pale Moon, but I just installed it, so not sure, it all works.

@ MoziLover, don't know if it works but if the menus appear after disabling try editing anyway, as long as the edits are set, this shouldn't need to be enabled, memory (not reliable) says it does, but that was original and many Firefox updates ago.

I no longer use Firefox, it 's become a Google Chrome clone, and I hate Google Chrome.
Pale Moon a pre Australis fork, is the basic browser I customize myself.
Australis, wasn't my problem.

The constant breaking of my must have addons, the forced signing, got to me.

Having to de chromify, to get the basic browser I need, is too much troublke.

My addons are the must have part, Mozilla can stck this awful hybrid.

Pale moon provides the basics, my addon choices just work, some haven't had updates in years, thy don't need any to function, but constantly get "Outdated on Firefox".

This works fine with the latest Pale Moon, is all I can say for sure.

I will use it long after Mozilla outdates it, once again.

PS I don't score with a number so ignore the stars, every addon gets one due to site forcing it, f**k the stars, read my words.