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This is a very useful extension, which I’ve had since I first moved to TB several years ago. It also saves you having to separately view the message source in order to see the message headers, which it lays out in an easily readable format (unlike the message source).

However, this latest update seems to have changed something in the text entry boxes for search, quick filter and other similar boxes where you enter text. Eg, the search box for Search has shrunk in height, the Quick Filter box has shrunk in width but is bigger in height; in both, the cursor is now glued to the icon of the magnifying glass, so that the first letter typed has no space between it and the icon. If I disable MailHops, it returns to normal. This is in TB 38.7.2 on Mac.

I tried to get to the Support page listed here but couldn’t as it timed out...

Edit: Thanks so much, Andrew, for your very fast response! The new version fixes this problem for me :-)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.9). 

Hi, Thanks for the review. I didn't see that issue in TB 47 but the css could have caused this. I did isolate the css in 1.0.12 and it should fix this. This version is waiting review and should be available in a day or two. Thanks again!